Chapter 5 - I'm Willing to Take My Chances

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The next morning, as I was standing in front of my brother's house, I was desperately trying to fix my hair to cover the bump that had formed on the side of my head. It felt more noticeable than it probably was, but I didn't want there to be any chance of Pete noticing. Not to mention, Joe's, Andy's, and Patrick's cars were all parked in the driveway. Patrick would lose it if he found out what happened last night.

I sighed to myself when I couldn't possibly do anything else to my hair, and finally rang the doorbell. Pete answered in a heartbeat, quickly folding me into a hug before I could even say hello. He didn't say anything, but simply held me for a moment before pulling away to look at me, sadly. Patrick definitely told him something. "How are you?" He asked, bringing his hands up to my cup my face, gently turning my head to the side to see the cut that was still healing.

"I'm fine," I said, sounding confused as I gently pushed his hands away and looked up at him. He simply stared back, seemingly lost in thought, until I playfully poked his arm. "Can I come in?" I joked, even though I was starting to feel uncomfortable. He nodded and stepped aside, letting me walk into the living room where all of the guys were gathered on the couch. Bronx was nowhere in sight. "Are you guys going to the studio today?" I asked, looking back at Pete as he followed me into the room. I only asked, because that's what I had told Josh when he dropped me off and saw all of their cars in the driveway.

"No," Pete said, gesturing to the reclining chair beside the couch. I sat down, looking around for my nephew.

"Where's Bronx?" I asked.

"He's with Ashlee," Pete said, referring to Bronx's mother.

I looked up at him then, very confused, and a little uneasy. I started to get up, but Patrick was suddenly at my side, kneeling in front of the chair and placing his hands over one of mine. "Ash," he whispered, looking at me with pleading eyes. "Just sit and talk to us for a bit."

"No," I said, suddenly terrified. Josh would drive by again, I knew he would, and he would notice that none of their cars were gone. I started to get up again, but Patrick gently held me down, taking one of my arms as Pete took the other and set me back in the chair. "I can't stay here," I whined, forgetting that Joe and Andy were even here, until they were on their feet as well. I didn't realize how much I was struggling, but it took all four of them to keep me in the chair. "I have to go," I snapped, glaring at Patrick like it was his fault that I was here. He told Pete, didn't he? So it was his fault, nobody else's. "I need to go home!"

"You are home," Pete snapped back at me, "You're not going back to that apartment."

"I have to," I stated, still directing my anger at Patrick. He only looked back at me helplessly. "I need to go home." My voice finally broke, and I felt tears stinging my eyes. Why wouldn't they listen to me? Patrick knew what he would do to me if I didn't come home. He knew better than anybody here because I had told him. I had trusted him.

"Ashley, listen to me," Pete said, moving past Andy so he could kneel own beside Patrick. "I heard the way he spoke to you, I've seen what he does to you. You're my little sister, and I am not letting you walk back into that apartment.

"He'll find me," I whispered, staring past all four of them.

Pete shook his head, reaching up to push my hair away from my face. "No, he won't. He won't make it into this house, I promise you. I'm calling the cops as soon as you calm down, and they'll find him."

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