Chapter 12 - I Could Be Him

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            I woke up the next morning with Ashley wrapped in my arms. We had fallen asleep watching TV last night, after I sang to her. She was still asleep, her head on my shoulder and her arm slung over my stomach. There was an unfamiliar weight on top of my leg, and I moved it slightly to find that it was Ashley's casted foot lying on top of me. I stopped moving, not wanting to disturb her, and leaned my head gently on top of hers.

            There were no words to describe how happy I was, holding her in my arms. I almost wanted to kick myself for never realizing how I felt about her before. We both could have avoided so much heartache and so much pain, if only I had realized it years ago. But that didn't matter anymore, because the danger was gone. It was just us now, and this was perfect. I still haven't actually asked her to be my girlfriend, but I guess it was pretty much a given at this point. Pete knew, but Joe and Andy were only speculating when they saw us yesterday. I wanted to make it official today. I wanted everybody to know.

            I had only been laying there for a few minutes before I felt Ashley stir against me, turning her face into my neck. She let out a long sigh and snuggled as close to me as she could get. I smiled to myself and held her close, looking down to kiss her forehead. "Morning, Ash," I whispered.

            "Mmm," she hummed, barely awake. "Morning, Trick." She stretched her arm that was slung over my stomach, her hand immediately returning to my shirt. She grasped it lightly, sighing again.

            "Still sleepy?" I chuckled, running my fingers through her hair.

            "I'm awake," she mumbled, not at all convincing. But she sat up anyway, turning to smile at me while she leaned against my chest.

            My fingers were still tangled in her hair and I slowly released them, careful not to pull her hair as I looked up at her. "I want to take you to the studio today," I whispered, gently running my hand up her side. She smiled at me, biting her lip.

            "Another rehearsal?" She asked.

            "Nope, just us."

            Ash smiled at me wider then, her eyes sparkling. She was so beautiful first thing in the morning. It was a strange thing to realize this, because I had always known she was a pretty girl, but this was different. Years ago, I would look at this girl and recognize the same nose that Pete had, the same shape to her lips, and the same eye color. They were almost identical, but now, she looked different to me. She wasn't just Pete's little sister, she was a woman now, and a beautiful one at that. Her eyes were a stunningly light shade of brown, like Pete's, but they were somehow brighter. They had these beautiful specks of gold shining throughout them, which seemed to capture even the tiny amount of morning sunlight pouring in through the windows. Her lips were full and defined, much like Pete's, but they were more kissable than I would ever describe my best friend to be. The nose, unfortunately, would always mark her as a Wentz.

            She sat up a little more, taking my hand and pulling me up into a sitting position with her. "I need to stop at Pete's for a shower and some clothes," she stated, running one hand through her messy hair.

            I gently moved her so that she was straddling me, making it more comfortable for us to both sit up like this. "Just shower here," I whispered, pulling her into a hug and resting my head against her chest. She giggled and laid her head on top of mine, sighing.

            "I still need clothes, Trick."

            "I'll find something for you to wear."

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