Chapter Six

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(Luca's Pov)

I walk into Storm's room with the flyer that has all the information we need on it. Storm smiles at me and says, "Hand me the paper and my laptop." I nod and get his laptop and crawl onto his bed. He opens his laptop and types his password in. He looks at the website on the flyer where you have to go to apply for a tutor. The application pops up and asks for my name and phone number. He puts in my name and our home phone and says, "Okay, now it's going to ask you some questions about yourself. What subject or subjects are you struggling with?"


He types it in and says, "Okay, do you want to fill out the rest of the questions?" I nod and take the laptop from him. It asks some weird questions.

"Th-This acts l-like i-its trying t-to set you u-up with a date," I say.

Storm chuckles and says, "They want you to get along with your tutor, and you need to have some things in common to do that." I nod and start to fill out the rest of the questions. One question asks my music taste and I smile. I put 'Punk, screamo, metal, and alternative' in the box and go onto the next question. After I finish, I hand the laptop back to Storm and he submits it. He smiles at me and yawns. "Well, it's getting late. I'm going to go to sleep."

"G-Good night, l-love y-you," I say.

"Love you, too. Night," he says. I take his laptop and put it back on his desk. I then walk to my room and put on my pajamas. I put on an oversized Blood On The Dance Floor t-shirt Storm gave me and some Batman pajama pants. I turn on my nightlight, I don't care how old I am I'm still scared of the dark, and crawl onto my bed and hold my Jack Skellington plushie to my chest. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep.

"Get your fucking ass in here, now!" I almost drop the plate I'm  washing, but catch myself. I put it in the sink and dry off my hands. I slowly walk out into the living room and see my uncle standing there.

He glares at me and I say, "Y-Yes?" He points to a sock on the floor and I bite my lip, scared. It must have dropped when I was carrying the laundry to the basement.

"What the fuck is that?" he asks.

"A-a s-s-sock," I whisper.

"And what the fuck is it doing on the goddamn floor!?" he yells. I was about to answer him when he grabs my hair and pulls me over to the basement door. "You can't do nothin' right! You're just a waste of fucking space!" He's slurring,  so I can tell he's drunk. He opens the basement door and throws me down the stairs. I cry out in pain as I land on my side. It feels like my arm is sprained and my head hurts like hell. He walks down the steps and grabs my sprained arm and pulls me in front of the washer. He slams my body against the washer and says, "You're good for one thing and that's-"

I wake up screaming and crying, clawing at myself to get the feeling away. I can still feel his touch. I can even smell the alcohol. Storm comes running into my room and he holds me down to keep me from hurting myself anymore. He wraps his arms around me and I start sobbing into his chest. "Shhh, it was just a nightmare." No, it wasn't just a nightmare. It was a memory. I keep on crying and he rubs my back. I start to calm down a little and look up at my brother. He gives me a tired smile and says, "Do you want to sleep in my room?" I nod silently and we get off my bed. He grabs my orange cover and I take my Jack Skellington plushie to his room. He lays my cover on top of his and I crawl into his bed. I still feel scared and Storm notices. He runs his hand through my hair and says, "Nothing can hurt you now. You know I won't let that happen." I nod and turn over. I hear him sigh and he falls back asleep. I quietly cry myself to sleep again while hugging my Jack Skellington plushie.

I wake up to Storm's alarm clock and hear him groan and slam his hand on it to shut it up. He gets out of his bed and I turn over to look at him. "You don't have to get up yet. Try to get some more sleep." I nod and close my eyes and go back to sleep. I wake up fifteen minutes later and walk into my room to get ready. I pick out a sweater that has cats all over it, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and my converses. I grab all my clothes and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for it to heat up. Once it's warm, I get in and wash my hair and face. My arms sting from me scratching them up last night. I wash my body and then get out. I towel dry myself off and then blow dry my hair. I straighten my hair and then put on my clothes. I walk into my room to grab my bag and then go downstairs. I go into the kitchen and see Storm making toasters strudels.

"G-Good morning," I say.

"Morning," he says and smiles at me.

"Good morning, friends!" Tyler says while coming in.

"Morning, Tyler," Storm says. Tyler kisses his cheek and comes over to me.

He hugs me and asks, "How are you today, Luca?"

"G-Good s-so far," I say.

He smiles and says, "That's good." I nod and we eat our breakfast. We all went outside to get in the car and Tyler asks, "Do you want to sit in the front today?" I shake my head no and give him a small smile. He shrugs and gets in the car. We all drive to my school and I get out of the car.

"Bye, have a good day!" Storm says as I walk away. I wave and walk into the school. Another day of hell. . . .

*Hey, guys, please comment and tell me what you think. I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Well, thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote! <3*

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