Chapter Seventy-Six

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(Riley's P.O.V.)

It's amazing to me how peaceful Luca can look after everything that's happened tonight. His soft snoring keeps me calm since it proves that he isn't gone. He won't leave me and the others that care about him like he tried to do now that he's figured out he wants to stay. I'm overwhelmed with so many feelings that my mind is spinning.

I look up when I hear knocking and see Michael at the door. He looks at Luca and I together before walking up to the bed quietly.

"Now that we know everything is alright, are you ready to go home? Storm said he'll call us in the morning as soon as Luca is awake," he says quietly. I bite my lip and look down at Luca. I don't want to leave him but I know I can't stay here all night and keep Michael up.

"I guess," I say and carefully unwrap myself from Luca. He doesn't wake up and I give him a goodbye kiss on his head before following Michael out of the room.

"You guys are cute together," he says awkwardly. I look up at him in surprise and smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now that I know he's okay. I'm still really sad though." Michael puts his hand on my shoulder and we walk into the waiting room where the others are.

"We'll see you tomorrow," he says to Storm.

"Okay, thank you for coming," Storm says as he gives me a hug. I hug him tightly before Michael takes me out to the car.

"I'm sorry for keeping you here so late." The time on the radio says it's three in the morning already.

"It's fine. I'm glad you got to spend some time with Luca to make sure he was alright," Michael replies and drives us home.

Because Luca decided to do the thing that he did, Michael now knows we're together and is actually supportive of it. It makes me so happy to have him here to help me through this, but the fact it took the chances of Luca loses his life to finally get me to tell him makes me regretful. I should have told him sooner. Maybe then it would have been easier to help Luca through this when I could comfort him in the open.

"Goodnight, Michael," I say as we head inside the house and he goes upstairs.

"Night, Ry." I hear his door clothes and decide to check Dad's office to see if he's still awake. I slowly open the door and see him sitting at his laptop typing.

"Dad?" He looks up at me and gives me a worried look.

"How was he? Are you okay?" Dad shuts his laptop and pulls one of his office chairs over to him so I can sit down.

"He's okay based on his injuries, but he'll have to be monitored extremely close to make sure he's safe from himself. He told me he regrets doing what he did and he now realizes he doesn't want to die but for the pain to go away," I say and Dad pulls me into a hug. "Seeing him with those bandages on his wrists hurt a lot. If Storm hadn't found him he would have bled to death." Tears fall down my cheeks onto Dad's shoulder and he rubs my back.

"I'm happy he's okay. Don't cry, buddy. He told you himself he regrets what he did. That's a step in the right direction." Dad used to always talk to me when I was feeling down before I got shy about interrupting him. I know that one time was because of all the stress he was under. I shouldn't have let that destroy our relationship.

"I told Michael I'm dating Luca," I say and Dad pulls away to look at me.

"And how did that go?" he asks hesitantly.

"He's supportive of us actually. He helped me through all the pain I felt while waiting for word of Luca's state." Dad smiles and stands up.

"I'm so happy about that. Why don't you get to bed? It's very late and I'll check on you when you wake up." I nod and stand up as well.

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