Chapter Sixty-Nine

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(Luca's POV)

The bell rings for music class and I walk into the room and to my desk. Angie walks in a few minutes later looking really excited. "Luca, did you talk to Kyla?" she asks as she sits next to me. 

"Y-You wanted me t-t-to, r-right?" I ask and she nods. 

"Yes! Thank you! We spent the entire lunch period in the library talking about our favorite ships and OTPs! She even put her hand on top of mine whenever she got really excited! And the cute look on her face when she would apologize for it and get all embarrassed. Luca, she's perfect." 

You know how Kyla's always the one fangirling over Riley and me? Well, now it's my turn to fanboy over Angie and her. "Th-That's the c-c-cutest thing I've e-ever heard. You s-s-sound s-so happy w-w-with her and y-y-you're not even tog-gether yet," I say and Angie blushes. 

"I would love to be with her. She makes me feel happy about myself. No one's ever done that before." 

"Awww," I say and the bell rings. "A-Ask her o-out." 

"I'll think about it," she says and Mr. Robb starts class. He reminds us when our projects are due and then gives us a song to try and figure out the meaning of. Angie and I do our work before handing it in. We talk about random things until the bell rings and I go to my art class. The painting I'm doing is at home, so I'll just doodle until it's time to leave. 

The final bell rings and I get up to go to my locker. I see Riley standing there and he smiles at me. "Hey, Sunshine. Do you want to finish the project tonight?" he asks. 

"S-Sure," I say and get my coat out of my locker. Riley takes my hand and we walk outside to wait for Storm. Riley texts Michael to tell him he doesn't need picked up and then puts his phone away to give me his full attention. "H-How are th-things at home?" I've been thinking about it for awhile. He seems a bit happier, but I don't know if things have been resolved between his parents. 

"Things are better. Thanks for asking. My Mom and Dad have decided to go to marriage counseling because they really want things to last between them. They know they can fix things, but don't know exactly how." 

"I'm h-h-happy f-for you," I say and he smiles. 

"I even had a conversation with my dad. I know that doesn't seem special, but it was really important and I'm happy that he has the same views as me. Michael is still pretty hard to get along with. I don't know when I'll be able to come out to him. I'm really sorry that we have to keep it a secret because of me," he says and I shake my head. 

"D-D-Don't be s-sorry. I unders-stand. I-I-I don't mind k-keeping us a-a sec-cret. I-I know i-it's j-just until y-you f-feel comfort-table with M-Michael." Riley puts his arm around me and kisses my head. 

"You're the best and most understanding boyfriend ever. Thank you for putting up with me," he says and I laugh. 

"Y-You put up w-w-with me and a-all my annoying prob-blems, so I-I should be th-th-thanking you." 

Riley lets go of me before saying, "I'd walk on Legos for you, so don't forget that." I smile and Storm pulls up to the curb. I love how Riley and I can have these cute conversations out of nowhere. He tells me how much he wants to be with me and I tell him how much I appreciate him staying with me. It's great. It makes me forget about the fact that so many people in the world hate me. Why does it matter when the person that does care for me out does them all? 

"Hey, Luca. Hey, Riley. How was your guys' day?" Storm asks as we get into the car. 

"G-Good," I say and Riley agrees. "H-How w-was yours?"

"Mine was pretty good," Storm says and starts driving home. 

Once we get home, Riley and I go up to my room and get out his keyboard that he left in my room and the sheet music. Storm is letting me use his camera and tripod so that it's easier for us to record. "We can set the keyboard on the table over there and move it to the middle of the room so that we don't have to sit on the floor. Also, we can pull up two chairs and you can sit in front of me. That way I'm somewhat in the back and not right next to you. It would be hard to hear you if you were right next to me," Riley says. 

"G-Good idea," I say and we move the little table I have in the middle of the room. Riley pulls a chair up and I do the same. I sit down in front of him after setting up the camera and he plays a few chords to refresh his memory. 

"Ready?" he asks and I nod. He starts to play and whenever it's time for me to come in I start to sing. 

Riley plays the final note and I turn off the camera. He hugs me tightly and says, "You're so talented. I can't wait for everyone to take back what they say." 

"A-And if th-they don't, it doesn't m-m-matter. I-I only c-care about wh-what you a-and o-o-our friends th-think." Riley pulls back and looks at me proudly. 

"You've come such a long way. I'm happy you don't care about what they think. But you shouldn't care about what anyone thinks. Only yourself," he says and I smile and nod at him. "Good. Now let's look at the video." 

I take the camera off the tripod and take out the memory card. I put it into my computer and we watch the video. It doesn't sound bad. Actually, it sounds really good. I'm surprised that I think so, but Riley's right. I am becoming more comfortable with myself. "I-It sounds g-g-good," I say and Riley smiles brightly. 

"I'm so happy you think so, too! Wanna show Storm?" I nod and Riley calls Storm up to my room. 

"Yeah?" he asks as he walks in. 

"We wanna show you our project for music," Riley says. 

"Oh, I can't wait to see it." I play the video and Storm looks at it while smiling. "This is amazing. Riley, you sound awesome on the keyboard. And, Luca, you sound so amazing. I'm so proud of you for doing this," he says. 

"Th-Thanks," I say and he hugs me. 

"Well, Mom just texted me telling me I need to be home so I can eat dinner. I'll see you guys later," Riley says and waves. 

"B-Bye, Riley," I say and he hugs me real fast before leaving. Storm is used to us hugging, so it's no big deal. 

"Want some pancakes for dinner?" Storm asks and I nod. He goes downstairs and I get the stuff out to work on my painting for a bit. 

*Look who finally updated! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'm so sorry for the wait. Stress is terrible. Well, don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading! Love you all! <3*

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