Chapter Twenty

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*Two weeks later*

(Luca's Pov)

I walked into the library with my math book. I saw Axel sitting there and I smiled. "H-Hi," I said as I walked over to him.

"Hey, Luca, how are you doing?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I'm d-doing o-okay, y-you?"

"I'm doing great, anything new happen while I was gone? Sorry about not being able to help you last Thursday. I was sick."

"I-It's okay. I-I'm g-going to th-the dance with m-my f-f-friend," I said and he smiled.

"That's awesome! What are you going as?" he asked.

"P-Pikachu and A-Ash," I said and he laughed.

"That's awesome, I love Pokémon."

"Same, a-anything new h-happen t-to you?" He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I got a girlfriend."

I smiled and said, "N-Nice." He nodded and pulled out his math book. I opened mine to page fifty-nine and he gave me my worksheet. He showed me how to do the algebra problem and I smiled as I understood how to do it. "Y-You should b-be a-a math t-teacher."

"That's what I've been wanting to be since I was in seventh grade," he said and smiled. I nodded and finished the worksheet right before the bell rang. I said goodbye to Axel and walked to science.

I walked out of Spanish and down the hall to gym class. "Alright, the locker rooms are finished now so you all will have to start changing. You'll have seven minutes to change in the beginning of class and fifteen at the end so you can shower. I'll call your name and give you your locker number and combination. I put your gym clothes in your locker already so if they don't fit or are too big tell me," Mr. Bishop said. We all nodded and he started calling our names to go get our paper. Once he got to me I was already about to have an anxiety attack. I can't change in front of people! I walked over to him and took my paper. I was locker twenty-nine. I walked into the locker room where all the boys were changing and took a deep breath. I looked down at the ground as I walked to my locker. I put in my combination and looked at the black and red uniforms.

"What's the matter, stutter boy? Got something to hide?" Randy said. I bit my lip and didn't say anything. Yes, I do. My scars. I took my uniform and walked over to the bathroom stull.

"That just proves he has something to hide! He's even more of a freak then we thought!" Otis said and I locked the stull door. I felt tears in my eyes and I took off my shirt. I looked down at my stomach and stared at the scars. I'm such a freak. . .I deserve the torment I get everyday. I put my shirt on and the shorts that were long enough to cover my thighs but not my legs.  I cut my legs, too, so I don't know how I'm going to do this.

"Luca?" I heard Mr. Bishop say. I stepped out of the stull and saw no one else in here but him.

"Y-Yes?" I whispered.

"Is everything alright?"

I shook my head no and said, "I-I can't w-wear th-these. . ." I motioned to my shorts.

"Why no-" He stopped as he looked at my legs. "Oh, Luca, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I'll get you some sweatpants. But I'm going to have to call your parents."

"M-My d-dad already knows," I said and he nodded.

"Okay, I'll call just to make sure. But here." He gave me some sweatpants out of one of the lockers and I thanked him. I put them on over the shorts and walked with him out to the gym. "Alright! Now today since we don't have much time left you all can just walk the track. Tomorrow we'll start our new basketball until." We all nodded and started walking the track. After we got changed and the bell rang I walked to lunch and saw Riley and my friends sitting at my table. I got my grapes and apple juice and then walked over to them.

"Hey, Luca," they all said.

"H-Hi," I said and Riley smiled.

"Are you excited?!" Riley asked and I laughed.

"Yep, S-Storm s-said he'll t-take us."

"I'll get Michael to drop me off at your house. Chester, Kyla, Becky, and Joshua are all going, too. They'll meet us there," Riley said.

"By the way, I think that you and Riley are going to be so adorable in your costumes!" Kyla said.

"Thanks! I can't wait to see Luca's in person," Riley said and I smiled. I took a bite out of one of my grapes and then felt someone staring at me. I looked around the cafeteria and bit my lip as I saw Jefree, Danny, and Cameron staring at me. They were glaring and I could tell they were planning something. I just hope it's something I can handle.

Lunch ended and I waved goodbye to my friends and walked into history. I could barley pay attention with the fear running through me. Would if they do something to me at the dance? That means I have until tomorrow night to prepare. But prepare for what? What could they do thay they haven't already done? I could think of a whole list of things. They're probably furious with me for telling on them. But it wasn't my fault! It was the school's. I bit my lip and looked down at my notebook. The page was blank, I didn't take any notes. Before I could write some down the bell rang and I sighed. This is going to be a long rest of the day. . .

The day actually went by a little faster than I thought it would. I was standing outside waiting for Storm since Riley already got picked up. Storm pulled up and I saw Tyler in the front. "Hi, Luca! How was your day?" Tyler asked as I got in.

"F-Fine, yours?" I asked.

"It was good, are you excited for the dance tomorrow?" Tyler asked and I nodded.

"Y-Yeah. . ." I tried to hide the nervousness in my voice and I guess I did a good job. They didn't talk the rest of the way home and when we got there I walked up to my room and fell back on my bed. "Wh-What are th-they g-going to do?" I whispered.

*So, this chapter is kind of boring again but the next chapter is the dance! I am so excited to write what I have been planning! So tell me what you think because that really helps me out. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all! <3*

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