Chapter Ten

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*Picture is of Axel*

(Luca's Pov)

I woke up and remembered we slept down here last night. I yawned and stretched my arms out. "Good morning, you didn't have to be up for another fifteen minutes," Storm said.

"I-I know. I'm g-going to get ready," I said and ran upstairs. I went into my room and put on a red sweatshirt with a '=^_^=' face on it and blue skinny jeans. I grabbed my school stuff and put on my converses. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

Tyler smiled at me and said, "Awe! I am so in love with your sweatshirt! Good morning, Lulu!" I giggled and Storm laughed.

"G-g-good m-morning, Ty," I said. I sat down and Storm pushed a plate with a strudel on it towards me.

I started eating and Tyler said, "So, is anyone going to tell me what happened with Jackson yesterday?" Storm sighed and rolled his eyes.

"He texted me and wants to talk to me today at lunch."

Tyler squealed and said, "Oh my glob! Are you going to talk to him?!" Storm shrugged and put his plate in the sink.

"I don't know," Storm said.

"As your friend I'm making you do this. No arguing," Tyler said and Storm rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." We put our plates in the sink and followed Storm out in the car. We drove to my school and Storm stopped the car. "Have a good day, love you," Storm said.

"Bye, Luca!" Tyler said.

"B-bye, l-l-love you, t-too," I said and got out of the car. Riley came running over to me and walked me into school. We walked to his locker and his friends were all there. Chester smiled at me and the others gave me a weird look.

"Hey, Luca," Chester said. I waved and looked down at my shoes.

"Guys, this is Luca. Luca, this is Becky, Sarah, Kyla, and Joseph," Riley said. I waved at them and they all smiled at me. "So, Luca, I have a question."

"Wh-what?" I asked.

"Who dropped you off?" he asked. "Was it your brother?"

"S-sort of, he's m-my brother a-and d-dad," I said. They all looked at me confused and Sarah cleared her throat.

"Um, what?" she said.

I sighed and said, "I-I don't h-have the b-best p-past, so Storm a-adopted me."

They all nodded and Joseph said, "Anyways, can you believe Mrs. Poe? She's really making us do portraits. Like, we're in the eighth grade, not college." I bit my lip when everyone agreed with him.

I shuffled my feet nervously and said, "I-it's not h-hard."

They all looked at me and Becky said, "What? You like Mrs. Poe?" I nodded and she scoffed. "Why?" She said like it was disgusting that I liked her.

"H-her class i-is e-easy," I said and looked down at my shoes.

"How?" she asked. I took my backpack off and opened it. I pulled out my watercolor portrait of four wolves and they looked at it in shock.

"I t-think a-art is f-fun," I said.

"Oh my god, Luca, it's amazing," Riley said.

I shuffled my feet nervously and said, "N-not really." Riley gently hit my arm.

"Yes it is! Just take the compliment," he said with a smile. I smiled and nodded and then the bell rang. I put my painting back in my backpack and Riley and I walked to math class.

Mr. Jewels smiled at us and said, "Luca, you need to go to the library."

I nodded and asked, "Wh-why?"

"To meet your tutor, you'll be going there every Thursday instead of here." I nodded and Riley quickly hugged me. I smiled when he ran away over to his seat. I walked out of the class room and started my way to the library. Once there I nervously walked inside and saw some students reading and others were at the detention table. I looked around for someone that looked to be in high school. I saw a boy with green hair, a hat, and a white tank top sitting at one of the tables. He had a math book on the table in front of him and a calculator next to it. I walked over to him and he gave me a friendly smile.

"Hi, you must be Luca," he said and shook my hand.

I gave him a small smile and said, "Y-yes."

"I'm Axel, I'll be your tutor." I nodded and sat down across from him. Huh, I really love his hair. I debated on telling him that and decided to.

"I-I like y-your hair," I said quietly.

He fixed his hair and said, "Really? Most people think it's kind of weird to have green hair. But green's my favorite color so I usually dye it different shades of green." I smiled at him.

"B-blue is m-my favorite c-color." He laughed and pointed to my hair.

"I can tell, I like your hair, too," he said and opened the math book. "Now, let's get to work." I could already tell that I was going to become friends with Axel. He seems nice enough and is actually helping me. He pulled out a work sheet for algebra and started explaining it to me. He didn't go as fast as Mr. Jewels and actually showed me how to do the problems, not just show examples on the board. I did the first problem and showed it to him. "Good job! That's exactly right!" he said and I smiled.


"Yes! See, Luca? You just needed it to be explained differently." I nodded and we kept on working on the worksheet until the bell rang. "See you next Thursday. If you need any help on your homework I can come over as long as it's okay with your parents. Just call me," he said and gave me his number. I thanked him and walked to my next class.

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