Chapter Twenty ~ Meeting Lachlan

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"Oh..." Andrew looks down and grabs something shinny and gold from his pocket "They had to take it off you, before the surgery so i held on to it" he hands me the necklace with a ring on the end that my mum and dad gave to me when i was nine years old. The chain was gold and so was the ring. The ring has a belt design around it and 'Forever'carved on the inside of the ring.

"No" i say with a frown.

"What?" Andrews eyebrows furrowed.

"what i mean is, no you keep it" i put the chain back in his hand, close his fist and kiss his knuckles.

"Astrid... i can't keep this" he shook his head and tried giving it back, but i just grabbed his hand.

"Just keep it, because if i die i want you to have somethink so you will be able to remember me with" i lean up and kiss him on the cheek.

"Wait- what? NO you are not going to die, babe" he said, grabbing my face in his hands.

"I might or i might not, but i still want you to have it so i'm always there with you, please?" i pleaded .

"Are you sure?" Andrew quirked a brow.

"Yes, i'm sure" i laugh.

God! this boy drives me literately insane! In a good way.

"Here" he grabs my wrist and ties something around my wrist.

"Um... didn't Rose give you this?" i look at him in confusion.

Why is he putting it on my wrist for?

"Because i want you to keep this to remember me as well and as for Rose she buys me a different bracelet every year for Christmas, so i don't think she will mind if i give you one" he laugh's and i giggle.




I jump like three feet in the air.



"Andrew!" i cry.


"Baby get behind me!" Andrew grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him.




My heart is pounding and all i can think is that what if its dad behind the door? i'm so scared.


Andrew ran over to the nearest chair and smashed it onto the ground and grabbing two of the legs and hands one to me.

"I love you babe, no matter what happens" He grabs my face in his hands and smashed his lips onto mine, before pulling back.





The banging shopped for a few seconds before the lock clicked and the door swung open and little feet padded into the room almost tripping over his own feet.

"Sisty!" the little boy screamed as he saw me and ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my legs, making me drop the wooden chair leg onto the cement floor.

Shocked, confused and still kinda scared. I look down at the little blonde boy, with beautiful green eyes just like mine.

I look up at Andrew- who has a small dimpled smile spread across his face- and let out a shaky breath, and try to hold in my tears, but knowing my luck they betray me.

When I recover from my shocked state I unwrap a little boys hands from around my legs and bent down to scoop his little form up in my arms.

"Lachlan?" I question.

"Yep! That's me!" Lachlan giggled and clapped his hands in excitement, while bouncing on my hip.

After a half hour of playing with Lachlan, mum came into the room to collect Lachlan for bed.

"Lachlan it's time for bed son" my mum lifted him from the floor and placed him on her hip.

"No! I wanna stay and play with Astrid mummy!" He kicked in mums arms.

I get up from where I was sitting and walked over to a pouting Lachlan, and give him a kiss on the head before whispering goodnight in his ear.

When Lachlan was gone, I sat down on the ground next to Andrew and we both fell asleep.


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