Chapter Eight ~ Letting it all out

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Astrid's POV

I woke up and couldn't move there was something heavy placed around my sore waist. I started to panic but then some of last night flashed before my eyes. My dad beating me up, Andrew taking me to his house, his mum (well I think it was his mum) putting me in some of his cloths, almost kissing him and his little sister Rose I think he called her came in and gave us some choc chip cookies and brownies. That I got to say they were the best cookies and brownies I have ever had!

And OMG I almost kissed Andrew! The Andrew Black, the bad boy and player of the school and I still remember how my heart beated way faster than it was supposed to and I am surprised that he didn't hear it himself. And the way he held me so gently that if he held to tight I would break. No he is just using you Astrid, like he uses every other girl in the school and the reason he held you gently is because he didn't want to hurt you because my broken ribs and bruises, my inner voice yelled at me.

"I'm so stupid" I whisper to myself.

I grab his hand from around my waist and lift it from me and put it to his side, but when I was about to get up he shifts over so he is laying right on top of me and trust me he was heavy and it hurt a whole lot since I had a broken rib!

"Andrew! Get off me you are hurting me!" I push at his chest and he jumps up so fast and accidently falls of his queen sized bed, with a loud thump and he groans in pain. I try to lift myself up but I hurt too much and I let out a yelp of pain.

Andrew gets up off the ground faster than lightening and comes over to me and bombs me with so many Questions.

"Are you ok? Where did I hurt you? Do you want to take something for the pain? Do you want me to get my aunty Melissa? God I'm so sorry and stupid I shouldn't have slept in the same bed as you I'm so stup-"

"Andrew, Shut up" I put my pointer finger on his lips to shut him up.

He grabs my hand and kissed the top of it making me blush and put my head down in embarrassment but he places his hand under my chin and lifts my head up looking me straight in the eyes.

"Don't ever feel embarrassed in front of me ever, ok?" all I can do is nod because if I talk I think it will come out very shaky.

"Ok I'm going to answer all of your questions ok?" I say when I get my voice back again "Ok first yes I'm ok, second you didn't hurt me at all, Third no I do not want to take som-"he interrupts me.

"Astrid do not lie to me I'm not dumb. I did hurt you because you screamed at me to get off you because I was hurting you. So please don't lie to me, tell me the truth?" he said, and there was lots of emotions that flashed in his eyes hurt, anger, frustration, guilt and something else that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Fine you hurt my ribs and my stomach and hips and you kind of squashed me" I let out a little laugh and he smiled a real smile that made my stomach flip not that signature smile he uses on all of his one night stands.

He looks down at my stomach and his eyes widen making me look down as well and I can see blood starting to develop all over Andrews long brown tee shirt and a gasp leaves my mouth.

"Melissa!" Andrew screams and his hand grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up to my bra line and his hands hold my wound socking his fingers in bright red blood. A woman in her early twenty's barged into the room with little Rose by her side. And ran to stand next to Andrew and gasped at what she saw.

I try to sit up because I'm sick of laying down but Andrew put his free hand on the side of my face to stop me moving and shakes his head at me which tells me not to move as well.

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