Chapter Nine ~ Rose-Marie's outburst!!

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I Know its been a long time since i have updated but i have had school so sorry and its not very long chapter sorry for that too lol and i would like to shout out to @___Tahliarose___ for the amazing cover she made and also i dedicate this chapter to @___Tahliarose___ :)

And just to say that i fell off my bed laughing my heart out to the point that i was crying because my bird shi* on my pillow. i know i'm weird but i couldn't help it it was funny to me!! And so so sorry for the cliff hanger i'm going to write very soon you can count on it!! :) and sorry for the big writing my computer just had its own spas attack lol :) ENJOY!! ;) Beautiful cover too the side :3

Waking up once again but alone this time. I still remember everything from last night with the doctor and all there worried and disgusted faces, which I hope was not aimed at me, but my father. Half of me thinks I did the wrong thing by telling everybody about him but the other half is congratulating me for being so strong and open with everybody that is not Stella.

I forced my body to sit up and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from screaming out in pain and my hand instantly goes to my right rib and I squeeze my eyes shut. I can do this I have been through pain like this before but just not as bad I can do this, I tell myself.

I throw the covers off me to realise that somebody must have changed me into just a long black shirt of Andrews and my long blonde hair is down and it's tangled and all messy. The doctor must have stitched my stomach wound up when I passed out last night. I throw my legs off the bed and let out a scream off pain that I was hardly expecting to come out of my mouth. But I need to get up for school I can't just lay here and not do anything and I can't afford to for my grades to go down any lower than they already are, I just can't.

I get up off the bed and whimper again as pain speeds through my abdomen and leg. I walk slowly to his door and I hold on to everything that I can for support. I twinst the handle and open the door to find Rose about to open it. As soon as she sees me she frowns and shakes her head "Andrew told me to not let you out of bed because you hurt. Go back to bed, now" she points her little pink nailed finger at me and smiles a beautiful smile.

"Rose will you please help me down stairs" I ask, she nods completely disobeying what Andrew told her and grabs my hand with a wide smile on her face. But why wasn't Andrew the one that came and checked on me why tell his sister to do it? Maybe he actually believes that I killed mum? Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I hold them back and smile down at Rose before taking a step down the stairs.

"She doesn't want to see any of you, now leave" I heard Andrew yell, what was he talking about? and who was he talking to? All these questions are spinning themselves around in my head praying that they will be the one to be asked first.

"Andrew stop being so rude these men are just trying to help her! Let them" I think that was his aunt Mel I'm not too shore.

"HELP HER?! All these men are going to do it bombard her with questions she does not want to answer! How is that helping her?!"

"Sur, I'm going to have you step aside please. Or I can arrest you for assaulting a police officer your choice" he didn't even move an inch.

"Andrew?!" Rose yelled, the look on her face was so sad I wanted to go over and hug her tight.

Andrew looked over to where his sister is and frowned when he saw me and literally ran over and grabbed each side of my face and his touch sent sparks through my whole body "why aren't you in bed resting? You might hurt yourself! Why aren't you in bed?" he demanded.

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