Chapter 28

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Astrid POV

I was standing in an all-white room that didn't seem to end, it was like it went on forever the further I walked the more the room seemed to go on, the only sounds i could hear is the sounds of my heels hitting the white cement floor, echoing with each step. 

"Hello?" I yelled but my voice echoed and nobody replied. 

I continued to walk on hoping to find something or someone. I wasn't scared, i didn't feel any negative like emotions, i felt calm and happy. 

"Hello Mummy," Someone said from behind me causing me to spin on my heels, my white dress flowing as a gush of wind hit me. 

Standing there was a little girl, she seemed to be around the same age as Rose. She had beautiful blond locks falling her back and her brown eyes took my breath away and reminded me exactly of Andrews, her small body wore a beautiful pink princess dress and some plastic see-through heels. 

"Hi..... You called me mummy?" I honestly didn't know what to say, the only thing racing through my mind was this little girl just called me mummy. 

"Yah you're my mummy" the little girl smiled at me and walked closer to me and placed a small hand on my stomach, looking down i see my stomach is overgrown and... pregnant. 

I take a step back. 

"What?" I say panicking, what the hell is happening? Is this a dream? Am i dead?

"Mummy, you have to wake up!" The little girl cried, "If you don't wake up ill die" 

"Wake up? Am i dreaming?" i asked breathing heavy and my heart pounding in my chest. What the hell is happening? Without knowing what I'm doing i lean down to the little girl, she looks exactly like me. 

"You're in a coma mummy, and you need to wake up, you need to wake up for me and for daddy" She places a hand on my cheek, "Daddy cries every day, he doesn't stop crying mummy" a tear slides down her cheek. "Tell me, mummy, do you wanna wake up?" she asks as i reach over and wipe her tears away. 

"Yes," I say without thinking and she smiles and nods. 

"See you soon mummy" She leans in and kisses my cheek. 


Opening my eyes felt extremely painful as if someone glued them on with superglue. As soon as i opened them all i could see was a blur like, when i was a kid and the television was on the wrong channel and it would make a horrible screeching sound and black and white dots filled the screen and it was hard to look at for long periods because your eyes would go all fuzzy. That's what my vision was like. 

Once my vision was clear all i saw was white, a white room with a way to bright light hanging on the ceiling, white walls with marks and peeling paint a white bed that i was laying in. Where the hell am i?

Looking around i see i had needles in my arms and something in my nose.

What the hell? i grab the thing in my nose and pull it out causing a slight pain causing me to groan. The sound came out raspy and didn't sound like my voice. 

The last thing i remember is Andrew being held down and screaming my name. What? I look down at my arms and pull all the needles and shit that is in my body out. Im in some kind of hospital. 

i didn't notice the beeping sound in my ear until it became louder, my heart was pounding in my chest and my breathing was uneven. 

Without noticing what I'm even doing I'm throwing the blue sheets off of me and standing up. My legs collapse on me and i fall forward and into a little table that had some food and a jug of water on it and it all fell to the floor with me coming along. 

"Andrew!" I try and yell but it only came out with a loud screech. That's when a huge pressure hit in my stomach making me grab my stomach in pain. I let out a cry in pain as i look down to see my stomach is three times the size as my normally flat stomach. What the fuck? 

I couldn't take the pressure anymore, i lean down and vomit all over the floor. 

"Astrid?" Someone said, in a small shaky voice. 

Looking up at the person, i notice it was Stella. "Stella!" I cry with a cough before puking more. 

"Oh my god! ANDREW!" She screamed so loud that my head pounded. 

Stella ran to my side rubbing my back and half holding me as she cried. 

"Oh my god Astrid" She cries, i felt her tears run down my arm.

"Stella? What happened?" I asked my voice starting to come normal.  She didn't say anything she just kept crying. 

"Stella? Wha-" Andrew said sounding puffed out. Looking up at him i see he has a small beard growing and he had bags under his eyes, he looked awful. 

Before i knew what was happening Andrew rushed forward and lifted me into his arms as his body shook as he cried. 

"Andrew baby," I said i lift his head in my hands and wipe his tears away. "What is going on?" i ask feeling sick again. 

"I'll get the doctor," Stella said running out of the room.


"Oh my god," I cry. 

Im now laying down on the bed again and Andrew is laying with me as the doctor is placing a machine over my belly and moving it around. 

"There," The doctor pointed at the screen. And there it was, the proof... I'm pregnant. 

"How?" Is the only thing i manage to get out.

"Well, before everything happened you must have only been a few days pregnant or even that" The doctor sighed "You had severe damage to your pelvis and complications" he shook his head "I don't know-how, it should have been impossible, its literally a miracle," He said seriously. "Your waking up, and this baby being healthy is nothing I've ever seen, there is one thing i need to say" he shook his head, running his hand through his hair "Don't stress too much about this right now, but there is a possibility that she won't make it through birth" 

"She? You mean Astrid?" Andrew said holding onto me tighter. 

"No... your daughter" with those words is when it really hit me. My daughter, I'm pregnant. I was in a coma, I died. 

"Astrid baby you need to breathe," Andrew said, i didn't realise that i wasn't breathing until i let out a huge much-needed breath. 

"What?" I started breathing heavily and unevenly.

"Hey hey," Andrew grabbed my face in his hands. "I know it's so much to take in baby but you need to breathe!" i nodded and started to try and even my breaths.

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