Chapter 27

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Andrew POV

Just as the doctor walked down the hall with his head down and a sad look on his face the nurse that has been looking after Astrid for the last couple days poked her head out from Astrid's hospital room and screamed "Dr we need your assistance in here. She stable!"

The doctor didn't think about it for even a second before he rushed back and into Astrid's room. But what the hell does she mean? They said she didn't make it? What the hell is going on? It's my Astrid okay?

Everyone let out a shaky breath and cried. I on the other hand just stood there in complete and utter shock. After about 10 to 15 minutes the doctor came back out, with a relieved look on his face. "She is yet again in stable condition, she was gone but Astrid is one heck of a fighter," he said putting a hand on my shoulder. "But she still needs that transplant" he nodded at us. 

"Transplant?" Stella said from beside me. 

"Yeah, Astrid needs a kidney transplant" The doctor nodded at her.  "If anyone here wants to get tested and is willing to help out just come ask, but make it quick she won't survive another night," He said sadly but professionally. 

"I want to get tested," Stella said immediately. 

"Yeah me too!" Aunt Mel jumped in nodding at the doctor. 

"And me! Whats a kidney?" Rose jumped in, frowning not quite understanding whats going on.

Everyone laughed, even the doctor. 

"So will I" Jace nodded at the doctor. Wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Same," Said each one of my friends. 

"Thank you guys so much! You have no idea what this means to me and for Astrid" The guys nodded and followed the doctor with Stella and Melissa following behind. 

I slumped myself down on the waiting room chair and held my head in my hands, this is too good to be true, She is alive, she's really alive!

"God, please God let one of them be a match!" I heard Astrid's mother whispered to herself. 

I was about to say something but was stopped when the nurse came out of the room and looked at us, "She's awake" she nodded at us, "But she may not be able to respond or even open her eyes but she is still awake and can hear you, she is responding" she opened the door so we can come in and see her.

I quickly jumped up from my seat and ran into the room and to Astrid's side, She looked just like she did before, just with more things hooked to her. "Astrid?" I said at her side, she didn't respond, but her fingers moved. I grabbed her hand in mine and squeezed. "I thought you where gone baby, i thought you were gone" I cried and kissed her hand. 

Astrid's door flung open and walked in Stella. She had the biggest smile on her face and the Dr walked in after her, rolling a bed.

"What's going on?" Astrid's mother asked. 

"Well, it turns out me and Astrid are a match." She said happily, as she walked over to Astrid and kissed her head. 

"I'm sorry to break this up but we need to start surgery soon, young Astrid doesn't have much time" The doctor rushed. 

Stella walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. I quickly hugged her back "Thank you!" I squeezed her. 

"No thank you, if it wasn't for you she would have been dead already" Stella wiped tears from her eyes and laid the bed the Dr had waiting for her. 

"You guys will need to leave, we have to do the transplant in here," The Dr said as nurses brought in different tables and supplies I'm guessing they are needing "We can't move her," He said and pointed at the door. We nodded and left. 

Hours went by and still nothing, why is it taking so long?

After what felt like forever the doctor came out "Everything went smoothly" He said. "But that doesn't mean everything is fine, anything could happen," He said giving us a sad smile. 

"Thank you so much!" I pulled the man into a hug. I owe this man my life if it wasn't for him Astrid wouldn't be breathing right now. 

He hugged me back "Astrid is a lucky girl to have, such an amazing family to support her and that will do anything for her" he let me go and nodded at me, "Nobody is allowed in the room right now, they are both still out," he said before leaving.

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