Chapter 25

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IMPORTANT! Tell me what kind of ending you guys want!? Just wanting to explore my options!


The door of my bedroom slammed open "I know your in here!" a man yelled, my heart thumped as i knew the voice to be my fathers. "You think your going to get away with all of this?" He screamed as he turned to where i was standing beside my bed, with Jace.

I grab my knife the way i was taught to and stood there glaring at my father. "You think that you two pathetic children can take on seven men?" My father laughed at the top of his lungs as a whole group of men barged into the room with weapons of there own.

"Shit" I whisper as Jace looked at me.

"Remember that we have fifteen or so men surrounding the house and they have seven" he reassured me making me nod.

Some of my dads men ran at us and Jace started holding them off as i went after my father. "You will never get away with this!" I yelled at my father, "You will either be in prison for the rest of your horrible life or someone will end up killing you!" i yelled as i blocked his first attempt to hit me.

"I'm too smart, i will just out smart you all" he laughed, he threw a blow at my head but I quickly dodged his his and kicked him in the stomach making me grunt but laugh. "Is that all you got little girl!" He grabbed my hair and kneed me in the gut. Making me cry out and start wheezing.

I noticed that a whole heap of our men where already in the room, fighting. I could tell that my father also noticed and started to get more mad. "See dad, I'm not as dumb as you think I am. I have fifteen men and you have seven" I said as I punched him in the face making blood pour from his nose.

"I'm going to kill you bitch" he growled like a dog as he charged at me. With the impact of my body and his made me stumble back into the glass window making us fall from a two story building. When we hit the ground my father landed on me making me unable to breath, I felt heaps of sharp stabs of pain all over my body from little glass pieces that had fallen on me and broken skin.

My father was laying on me unmoving. He is probably just knocked out from impact. I was trying my hardest to keep myself breathing properly. "Astrid!" I heard my mother yell as she ran over to me. I could feel something wet all over me and I couldn't pinpoint what it was until I lifted my fingers from the wetness and spotted lots of blood.

"Oh god I'm bleeding!" I scream as I try and push him off of me but he was just too big. "Astrid, it's okay I need you to stay calm, it's not only you that is bleeding trust me" mother said as she beckoned some of her men over to pick my father off of me.

When he was off all I felt was relief but still couldn't breath properly. I could hardly see because everything was just so blurry. Looking over at my father I saw a huge shade of glass in the back of his chest. "I" I stopped as looked away as I started to see spots in my vision as everything turned black.


Andrew POV

"Let me out now!" I banged on the door. "Fuck!" I yelled as my fist throbbed from the pain of me punching the metal door for the past two hours. If she dies, that means I didn't get to say goodbye.

Leaning against the wall I grab my head and put it between my legs as I felt a tear slide down my face. Shit! I need to know if she is okay, it's killing me not knowing. That day that I knew that I loved her was the day that her best friend tackled her in the hallway at school, I'm not sure what for but I just knew that I needed to know her.

"Andrew?" I looked up from my hands shocked to see Astrid's mother looking down at me with concern in her eyes and I could see that she had been crying. "Astrid?!" I quickly jumped up and wiped my tears away. "Uh, she is in the hospital" her mother said making me smile. "So she is okay!" I laughed as I ran a hand threw my hair.

"No Andrew she is in a coma" I stopped hoping that I didn't hear her properly. "No" I shook my head as I could see tears start to fall from Astrid's mothers eyes. "She will wake up right?"

"I don't know, Andrew but the doctor told me that she in unable to have kids due to injury to the pelvis, she needs a kidney transplant, she has broken a lot of bones and hit her head pretty hard, so I honestly don't know Andrew!" She quickly wiped her tears. "What about her father?" I ask hoping he didn't get away. "Dead" I sighed in relief from her response. "How did all this happen?" I asked hoping that wasn't all his fault even know I know that it was. "He pushed himself and her out a the window and he landed on her".

"I need to go to the hospital please take me, and I want to get tested to see if I can spare a kidney" I said as she nodded and we walked out of the room and to the car and drove to the hospital.

I don't care if Astrid can't have kids, I don't care about anything other than that she survives this and that I have the right kidney to save her life.

When we arrive at the hospital we go up to Astrid's room and Astrid's mother went to talk to the doctor and I went into her room. There she was lying on the bed with sheets covering her and tubes in her nose and down her throat. She also had needles and patches and bandages all over her. Her lower half was in a huge brace kind of thing because of the injury to her pelvis.

No matter how bruised up she is she still looks like the most beautiful girl in the world. "Sir sorry to interrupt, but If you want to see if your a kidney transplant match then you need to come with us asap, she doesn't have much time" she said before walking away and followed.

After getting a blood test and now been waiting over four hours for a doctor to walk in and show me and Amelia Astrid's mother the test results to save my girl, still haven't come and we have been waiting for ages.

When the doctor finally came back with the results she said "I'm sorry" and Amelia broke down in tears and I could feel my heart breaking, now who the hell is going to give her a transplant "but there is one person that can help"

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