Chapter Eleven ~ I love you

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It’s been two weeks since the incident at home and my father still hasn’t been found but an unsettled feeling in my gut tells me that he is going to come back but a lot stronger this time.

I have seen Stella like every day these two weeks and the first day I saw her when I was in the hospital and she tried to slap me but Andrew had to hold her till she calmed and when she did she full on hugged me and let me tell you it hurt for two reasons.

Reason one: I got the fucked up and battered by my dad and…

Reason two: This girl can hug harder than a bear!

I got snapped out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated. Smiling I lifted my phone thinking it would be Stella since Andrew just went for a shower but my smile slowly faded when I read the message.

‘Astrid you don’t deserve any of the things that silly boy is doing for you slut! You don’t deserve him at all he deserves something a lot better then you! And I won’t hesitate to kill every one of them and make you watch!


Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as a unsettling feeling emerges from the pit of my stomach go he is going to kill them all if I don’t do something about it now. Putting my phone in my pocket and slipping my shoes and socks on and running out of the house.

God I have to do this. For Andrew. For everyone.

By the time I get to my location I pray that they all will be ok after I’m gone, they have to be.

I get up on the edge of the bridge and look down at the flowing water and whimper, maybe I do deserve all this, and maybe this is all my fault. I don’t know all I know is that I have to do this for the people I love and care about that is all that matters to me at the moment.

“Astrid! What are you doing?” I whip my head around to see Andrew walking up to me slowly and Stella getting out of her car with tears in her eyes.

“Baby look at me you don’t have to do this I will protect you” his voice was soft and caring and he kept creeping closer and closer to me thinking that he can get to me before I jump, but he was wrong.

“Andrew… I love you and I love you too Stella” I said while looking at Andrew and his shocked but happy face and his eyes turned watery as I turning back to the river and jumped.

All I heard was my name being called out before I hit the freezing cold water the impact left me dazed. Andrew was the last image I saw in my head before I died.

Stella’s POV

OMG! She is going to jump.

No she isn’t going to jump.

“Andrew… I love you and I love you too Stella” oh fuck she is going to jump.

I can guess who made her want to kill herself that fucked in the head of a basted Peta Astrid’s father!

When I get my hand on that basted my clean hands will turn real dirty!

What the hell are you thinking Bitch! God I’m so dumb my best friend is about to kill herself and you are just standing there thinking about killing someone! Stella that is for later when your best friend isn’t dead.

I look back at Astrid to see her jump over the edge. FUCK!

“ASTRID!” me and Andrew screamed.

The only reason that I’m here so early is because I was going to go visit Astrid, Andrew, Melissa and little baby Rose-Marie. And saw Andrew on the was running fast so I stopped and he told me that he saw Astrid run away and to here and what I just saw my best friend jump terrified me.

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