17. A world of Idiots

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Its monday today. Great. Im hoping Seth will be at school today, but its highly unlikely. Im even beginning to get used to his absence. It does hurt me to think that he would hate me this much for something I don't even know I did, if I did anything.

But i guess i have to thank him, because he's ignoring me, I was able to make actual human friends.

Or, at least most of them are.

Im good friends with the other pack now, and two other girls. their names are Natalie and Grace and are super sweet and take my mind off of Seth. Im just mot willing to bother with him anymore. It hurt so bad at first but, whats the point? He left me and if he comes back, Ill be happy. If he doesn't, Ill be fine. It seems harsh, but you shouldn't go crawling to the ones who don't want you. Right?

"Have a good day at school. Or try...." Rosalie smiles. But it seems......forced?

"By Rose. See you later!" I hope out of her car. Ya I could easily run here but that would cause suspicion cause i live no where near school.

I immediately go inside because it's getting sunnier. No, i don't "sparkle" like the rest of my family, i just get paler? And colder. And the tips of my hair get pinker.

On my way in, I find Grace talking to a different girl who's in my history class.

"Hey Ari!" She turns to me smiling. Grace is the "baby" of our friendship. She is the littlest one, and the most innocent out of us all. Natalie tho is definitely the rebel teen, and me? I guess i could be the pet. I mean, Im not human, all the way at least. Im like a mutt. Yup. Im their pet vampire.

"Hey Grace whats up?" She seems really excited.

"You know the really hot Embry guy?"

She speeds on and I nod.

"He is-"

"He's finally back! Oooh! Im so excited! Him and his little gang are so hot! I wonder what it'd be like to know one of them?" I want to laugh so bad right now. Poor girl. I forgot to tell her abou- my thoughts are interrupted By weight being pressed on my shoulder. "Ya. I wonder what its like to know me. Do you know Little Swan?" I look over to see Embry grinning like an idiot.

"Em, go away."

"But i want to say hello to your pretty friend!" He argues.

"Embry Call, go away please? Ill come over later to race you." Im now turned towards him and he smiles even wider.

"Deal! See ya Little Swan!" He kisses my forehead before going to the guys.

Ever since Seth avoided me Ive been getting closer as FRIENDS with the other guys. Especially Embry and Quil.

"What. Was. That?" Grace breathes with wide eyes. She looks so starstruck

its weird.

"Grace, Im friends with them but its alright cause they're all just a pack of idiots." I make sure to say it louder so the guys can hear me speak.

Guys as in Quil, Jake, Embry, Collin, Brady, and Jared since Paul and Sam graduated.

Wheres Seth?

I have no clue.

Do i care?

I don't know.

"You can't be human if you're friends with.... With that!" She motions to them all. If only she knew.

"Oh whatever lets go find Natalie"


I hadn't seen Seth yet, it could be because of our schedules but we do have lunch together.

Why do i even care? He obviously has no care for me.

"Pssst. Ari. Code 7" Natalie whispers to me. I made the girls learn codes because i don't want the guys eavesdropping. Because they do.

Code 7 means someone is staring at me.



My eyes widen. What? Seth? He's here?

"Mind if i sit here with you guys?" We all turn our attention to Adam.

"S-s-ure" Grace stutters.

"Hey Aria" he sits next to me and kisses the side of my head. Adam really isn't anything but a big brother to me tho. Don't get the wrong idea.

"Hey Adam"

"Grace, Natalie." He nods his head towards the two. Who now seem shocked he knows their name.

"We're gonna go. Bye" Natalie winks and drags Grace away.

"How are you doing Aria?" He doesn't say it, but I know what he means.

"Im doing a lot better. Im so glad i got to tell you those things. I never told anyone else before." Im talking about the pains and the feeling of only being half complete. I give the huge guy a quick hug.

But a loud 'bang' quiets the whole cafeteria except for an angry and shaking Seth storming out leaving behind a tray broken in half and Jacob running after him.

What just happened?


I was in a conversation with Quil about the new car Im working on, until Seth has another anger attack and brakes his tray in half and he runs out about to phase.

This isn't good. Whats wrong with him? He's been different lately. Taking more and more patrolling shifts, some even lasting for days.

I follow him and find him in the woods in the back of the school about to phase any second.

"Seth whats the matter? Are you okay?"

"No Im not fucking okay! Ive been denied even before i tell her! And i find out that Adam likes her?"

Id never seen Seth so angry in my life. But wait.... Aria already denied Seth? Didn't anyone tell her about what happens when you deny? And Adam should know better being a wolf himself.

"But it doesn't matter does it? I denied it and now i can find someone new."

Oh god I live in a world full of idiots.

"Seth, once you im-"

"No Jacob. I didn't imprint on Aria. I couldn't. We both denied it and we're fine. See? Here i am as happy as ever" he fake laughs at the end.

This is going to be the most complicated imprinting in history.



im tired but i felt i needed to update so here u go!

Ugh. None of u read this so bye lol.

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