6 months ahead.

8 3 1

6 months ahead

She hated him.

Absolutely hated him.

and no one would think otherwise, not after what he did to her.

The pain.

The loneliness.

The scars.

She heard only heard bad things from the psychopath, but still she stayed.

She saw the danger, but she stayed.

She remebered the awful way he treated her, but she stayed.

She stayed...

And now she pays the price. Standing outside her home with nothing execpt for what was left of her soul. She hunged herself as she began to take the first few steps from what she once called her home and didn't looked back.

The regret of ever leaving her parents to chase her dream came tumbling o top of her as she was slapped with wide realisation.

She could hear somethibg now, against that battering. A voice moving quickly though her ears, immediately settings shiver up her spine.

Sherlock fucking Holmes.

"Oi" he called out quickly making uo for lost time "Wait, what you heard, that before I fell in love with you!"

"Sherlock." she said softly" that sort of shit, only happens in movies."

"It was worth a try" he said snapping out of his sad faćade.

She slapped him across the face so hard his head whipped back. She then spat "I hate you!"

"Where are you going?" Sherlock called after.

" Some place, you're not!" She yelled. Clare was tempted to go back and punch him. But she knew if she started she wouldn't be able to stop.

She walked away from baker's street and towards the lonely side of Britain.

With every step she took she was burdened by her shoulders, not in a metaphorical way, it was just that it was pouring and her oversized jacket was weighing her down.

She wanted nothing more right now than to be by herself and figure out what was happening.

She turned into an alleyway, then she felt a cold hand amongst her wet flesh.

The lady whipped around and jumped back.

"If you scream, this whole thing will get worse. For you." The bigger man theatern.

The other man reached for her, but she moved. She brought her knuckle to her chin, like she was taught oh so long ago. When the first man tried again, she bobbed down before punching straight up, catching the bloke of guard.

He stumbled before Clarity kicked him, in the stomach.


"Enough of this." The second man said. Reaching from inside his hoodie and pulling out a gun. Clare froze as she man aimed for her.

"Moriarty send his regards." he hissed before pulling the trigger.

The first shot, got her in her shoulder, sending her backwards. She had stumbled a few steps before the second got her gut.

She fell helplessly to the wet cement ground. Before she hear the bang again.

But this time she didn't feel it, she didn't feel pain.

She just felt the cold.

Her phone buzzed in her back pocket, she trembled as she fought her pain to reach it.

"Hey where are you? Sherlock and his brother are in here and there in thinking mode. I swear the silence is getting unbearable, Sherlock is annoying when he talks but whe-" he paused realising that she hadn't responded to anything he said.

She licked her lips, and moved closer to her phone. Her voice rasped as she whispered "Help."


Heyy author here.

I don't like doing notes but I am.

1. Yes I am Australian so look out for slang.

2. I am awesome so look out for love.

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