Chpt 8

816 17 2

My team put our space suites on and flew off back to NeoMars. I was officially positioned next to Danny.

"You did a great job Nat." Danny complimented.

"Thanks. You helped a lot though." I noted.

"I could still see you fight. That was pretty rad." Danny smiled. I blushed a little. We finally landed. All of us filed out of the Orca.

"That was an awesome job you did Nat." Beth complimented.

"Thanks!" I beamed.

"Yeah. You have real warrior blood." Chris nodded.

"And that was your first mission!" Wallow added. I laughed a little.

"Yeah. Thanks guys!" I smiled awkwardly. I was really tired and sore from the battle. I was also hungry.


I walked to the kitchen and made a quick tuna sandwich and ate it. I walked to the living room. Almost sunset. Danny walked in.

"Hey, you never told me to do stuff like at all today." I informed.

"I felt bad. But, there's one thing. Come with me out on the dock." Danny instructed.


We walked out to the dock together. We watched the sun set together. The sun was orange and pink and purple and red. The water seemed to be black.

"So why are we out here?" I asked.

"Hang on." Danny whispered. He put his index fingers and thumbs together in a rectangle and scanned around me. Then he found the perfect spot and stood in front of me. "Perfect..." Our eyes met and I couldn't pull away.

"So, why are we here?" I asked again.

"I wanted to thank you, for saving me." Danny informed.

"No prob." I replied in a hushed voice. Danny held my hands gently. A shiver traveled up my spine. "Um... Danny?"

"Nat, it's ok." Danny assured. "I-I really like you Nat. Maybe even love you..."

"Really? I think I love you too..." I whispered. Danny inched closer. Danny's lips hit mine gently. My muscles tensed up then relaxed. I closed my eyes. I felt a tear roll down my face. Danny pulled away and smiled then his smile left his face.

"Nat. You're crying." Danny blinked his eyes worriedly. I saw sadness in his eyes. Did Danny think I was crying because if him? I quickly wiped away the tear.

"It's nothing Danny. It's not because of you." I assured.

"What's wrong then?" Danny asked.

"I-I don't remember anything. I don't know who I am. Where I'm from. Or if I-I have a family..." I answered. I felt my lip quiver. I buried my face in my hands.

"Nat. I know the answer to all those." Danny whispered. I lifted my head up.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes, you are Nat an amazing, wonderful, and beautiful girl. You are from Bravest Warriors. And your family is here. Me, Beth, Chris, Wallow, Catbug, and even impossibear." Danny answered. I smiled as more tears fell from my eyes. Danny brought me into his embrace. I buried my face into his shoulder. I was only a little shorter than him.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I asked.

"Yes Nat. You are beautiful. Don't doubt that." Danny whispered while cradling my head. I kissed Danny's cheek. I looked at Danny who was blushing. I smiled.

"And you are incredible, funny, and handsome." I whispered. Danny sat down on the edge of the dock.

"Sit with me." Danny insisted. I sat down and laid my head in his lap.

"Is this ok?"


"So, you said we are a family. How's that?"

"Well, you and I would be the parents. Chris and Beth are our children. Wallow's an adopted child. And Catbug can be the new baby you're always taking care of."

"What about impossibear?"

"Uhmmm... He can be the cranky uncle or grumpy teenage girl." Danny informed. I laughed.

"Probably the uncle." I laughed. I let a yawn escape. I looked into Danny's eyes and smiled. I kissed him gently then laid down again. "I see why we're the parents."

"Haha. Yeah." Danny laughed then poked my nose. I poked his forehead back. I yawned again. My eyes felt heavy. I looked at Danny one last time before my eyes shut to sleep.

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