Welcome back

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Derek smelled it before he saw it. He smelt his fear, anger and worst of all, blood. Derek's heart ached for the how he'd left Stiles alone, selfishly not thinking about the skinny, defenceless boy.

Now his blood was on the ground and he was gone.

His crutches lay on opposite sides of the clearing. A smear of blood splattered next to some skid marks in the grass. Derek sensed the struggle that happened here, and how much Stiles had fought. He could smell another person here, but he couldn't make out their scents.

"Someone was here." Scott said from behind him, his face solemn, eyes red with fury. (Literally.) "A Chimera, but not one of the ones that were at school." Scott sniffed the air. "Smells familiar though..."

"They have Stiles. Why?"

"He wants to bring the nogitsune back. He wants to make him Void again."

Derek felt like his heart had shattered into a million pieces. Stiles had gone, and he might never get to see him as himself again.


Stiles woke up to the sound of dripping. A rusty water pipe was leaking, creating a stagnant puddle on the floor of the room. The walls were lined with a sort of metal, like an old factory of some kind. Stiles tried to move, but found himself tied to a chair. It reminded him of Eichen House, before the nogitsune. That only reminded him of Malia, which reminded him why he was tied to the chair in the first place.

"You're up." Donovan grinned at him. "Theo! He's up."

When Theo moved round into Stiles' line of sight, Stiles somehow worked up the courage to spit in the bastards face. He got him right in the eye, earning him a punch in the face from Donovan.

"Woah," Theo stopped him before Stiles' face was a mushy pulp. "We need him to be unharmed until the nogitsune is ready."

Donovan nodded and wheeled Stiles' chair over to a large, rusty tank. Several tubes spouted from the top in an interview umbrella like fashion. While Stiles watched Theo wipe down on a control pad, Donovan stuck a sharp, moline yet thin, point into Stiles' chest with a chuckle.

A pained scream rippled through Stiles body, causing him to jerk upwards.

"I didn't realise this would be so much fun." The chimera tightened the restraints, stabbing another needle into his chest. Stiles realised that theses needle type things were connected to the rusty container.

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked weakly, craning his neck to see what the two were up to. He was weak with blood loss and pain, his tshirt stained with his own seeping blood.

"I'm going to bring out the best in you Stiles."

"Of course you are."

Theo grinned, flicking a switch. The container started whirring. Stiles' heart rate rose at an alarming speed as the whirring got louder and faster. Suddenly a jolt of electric pain ripped through his chest, causing him to scream in agony. He was surprised that Scott and Derek hadn't heard him he was so loud.

With each passing minute the whirring got louder, and the pain was too much for Stiles to handle. Eventually, the human blacked out.

Theo Raeken only laughed at this. The machine kept whirring, and the evil sparkle in Theo's eyes got more menacing. The whirring stopped and he stalked over to the container, flinging the door off it's hinges.

Smoke filled the room, along with a metallic smell. A small fly zoomed into the air and Theo caught it with his forefinger and thumb.

A bare foot stepped out from the container. Followed by a leg, and then the rest of a naked body. The man cracked his neck and took a look at the unconscious boy next to him. When he looked up at Theo, a grin spread across his face.

"Welcome back Void."

Void grinned evilly, a look that wasn't very becoming in the face that he was wearing.

The face, identical Stiles'.

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