Wedding part 2

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Stiles coughed as he stood, tapping a spoon against his glass. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Hi there everyone. Thanks for coming today, to witness this awesome marriage between two people that honestly should have done this sooner. No seriously, Scott and I have been saying for years that these two need to get their lives sorted and marry-"

"Stiles." The sheriff raised and eyebrow, chuckling. "Stick to the script." The guests laughed.

"Right sorry." Stiles blushed and grimaced. Derek face palmed next to him. "Sorry everyone ADHD and a stomach full of nerves will do that to ya. But I don't even know why I'm nervous it's not even my wedding-"

"Stiles." Derek coughed as the guests laughed uneasily.

"Right! Sorry again." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "The point is, for anyone this type of situation is usually hard. For Scott and I, it's expected that we would find this wedding hard. But the truth is, after my Mom's passing..." Stiles trailed off and looked at Scott, who gave him a glisteny eyed smile. He turned to Melissa. "Melissa, you've been a mother to me for the past seven years, and you've been there when I've needed you, even though I'm not your kid. As you know, Scott's a brother to me, so I hope you'll consider me a worthy son."

Melissa was crying. She got up and hugs Stiles, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"On to my pops!" Stiles grinned, staring down at his Dad. "To the greatest sheriff, and father that there will ever be, thanks for putting up with me, at least you'll have someone to complain about me to now."

"I'd like to take this opportunity, if you don't mind Dad..." The sheriff shakes his head and gestures for him to continue. "I'm taking up an apprenticeship at the station after I graduate. I'm going to be the new you."

Stiles winked at his Dad, who's face is glowing with pride. He say down and chugs his glass of water (and half of Derek's beer) as the guests are clapping.

"You were great." Derek mumbled in his ear.

"Thanks sourwolf." Stiles pecked him on the cheek. When he looks up, the food is being served, and that's the last word they get from him until the food was gone.

It still tasted like cardboard though.


That was when the party really began.

Surprisingly, John and Melissa had given both Stiles and Scott permission to drink that night. It may have been the bliss of marriage or the fact that they were slightly drunk themselves, but nevertheless, the two 18 year olds jumped at the chance.

Sure they'd drank before, but getting your parents permission to get full on hammered? That was elating.

"Stiles you can't get drunk." The sheriff had reminded his son as he hugged him. Stiles poured slightly.

"I can try!"

Stiles didn't waste any time. He dove into the bar and ordered some very strong and elaborately decorated cocktail, handing one to Derek.

"I'm not drinking this."

Stiles had only smirked, and ordered another drink, having already downed the first.

Later that night he moved onto blood disguised as red wine. Genius.


It was about 1am when Stiles first saw him.

He wasn't drunk, because sadly he was still a vampire and couldn't, and had been out on the dance floor for a good hour, dragging his wolfman out to be his dance partner.

But he'd taken a break, mumble in Derek's ear that he was going for a piss.

He stumbled into the bathroom, and splashed his face with water.

When he looked up, ready to go out for another round of dancing, he saw something that made him freeze.

He'd blinked and he had gone, so Stiles brushed it off and carried on having a good time. It didn't stop this nagging feeling at the pit of his stomach.

The second time was about 3am.

He was up on the dance floor, giving it everything he'd got. Derek watched him warily, to check he didn't break something or hit someone with his attempt at dancing.

The lights were flashing and the music was blaring, and Derek was watching Stiles with a glowing feeling in his chest.

A smile crept into his lips and he saw Scott double take. He grinned and slapped him on the shoulder when he saw who Derek was looking at.

But then the rare smile fell.

Stiles had stopped dancing, in the centre of the room, and he was staring, at a wall. Derek was reminded of that time when they first met Lance. When Stiles had stared blankly at a wall for weeks.

He raced over to the boy with a panicked look on his face.


Stiles jumped round, face pale. He saw Derek and his cheeks coloured with relief.

"What's wrong?"

"I-" Stiles glanced at the wall again, and frowned. "Nothing. There's nothing there."

It was Derek's turn to frown, but soon Stiles was dragging him back onto the dance floor with a stupid grin on his face.

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