Then we can kill Void

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This chapter is dedicated to gothvampire for the lovely comment, thanks for your support! ❤️


Derek didn't need to listen to the woman at the desk. He knew where Stiles was. He could smell him. He could feel him. He sped up the flights of stairs, Scott racing behind him. When he found Stiles' room he slammed the door open, racing to the boys side. Scott grabbed his hand.

Stiles looked incredibly small in the large hospital bed. His skin was almost as white as the sheets that enveloped him and red raw scratches and cuts covered his face and arms.


His eyes fluttered open and he smiled weakly at Derek and Scott with pale cracked lips. "Hey guys, long time no see."

The heart monitor by the side of his bed jumped slightly when Derek laid a hand on his arm. If the werewolf noticed this, he paid no attention.

"Was it Theo Stiles?" The boy nodded, closing his eyes again.

"And Donovan. Scott, Donovan's back." His eyes shot to Scott's in panic. Scott smiled reassuringly and Stiles' head fell further into his pillow. His head then jerked up, horror flashing in his eyes. "Oh my God, Wait, oh my god, you need to find my Dad." Stiles tried to sit up, crying out pain when he did. Derek physically flinched and gently pushed Stiles back down.

"He's on his way Stiles."

"No- Donovan will get him, We need to-" Stiles tried to push off the blankets and get out of bed, and Derek had a hard time keeping him down. Even in his weak state Stiles was so determined to save his Dad.

"I'm ok Stiles." The sheriff walked into the room with a sad smile on his face. "I'm here."

Relief flooded Stiles' face and his father ran to hug him. Stiles clung onto him, relieved tears flowing from his eyes. Derek and Scott quickly left the room, the others following behind them. Everyone was smiling, relieved and happy smiles, and then a look of pure joy appeared on Scott's face.

"Kira!" He ran to his girlfriend and swung her up in the air, kissing her. Her long black hair flew into his face as he lifted her, and she giggled.

"Scott I missed you." She wrapped her arms tightly around his chest. "I came as soon as I heard-"

"He's ok Kira, he's back."

"- that void was back."

"Wait what?" Scott stopped, a frown appearing on his face. "You're not here for Stiles?"

"No, stupid, we have to kill the nogitsune." Kira rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. A snarl rose from the back of Derek and Isaac's throats.

"Kira... What's wrong? You're acting strange." Lydia stepped forward to address her friend, a conflicting expression on her face. She was both happy that Kira was here and scared about how different she was acting.

"Lydia!" Kira embraced Lydia in a hug, the banshee was hesitant to hug her back. "I'm totally cool" She shrugged her off flippantly.

Scott's eyes narrowed. He could tell that Kira's time away had changed her, and apparently not for the best. He stepped forward to take her arm but she moved before he could. She jumped slightly, clapping her hands together.

"I need to see my dad!" She kissed Scott briefly on the cheek, making him flinch, (Isaac's growl deepened), and sashayed out of the corridor. "Then we can kill Void!"

"What the hell?" Liam said, eyes wide as they watched Kira prance out of the hospital. "That's not Kira." He had a bemused but slightly panicked expression on his face. Scott turned to face him and he cowered, hiding slightly behind Mason.


"Scott... Look I'm so sorry..."

"It's ok." He put his hand on his beta's arm, reassuring him. "I forgive you. I understand."

A wide smile stretched across Liam's face and he hugged Scott.

No one noticed Derek leave.

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