In that case you're dumped

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Somewhat inspired by an AU on Instagram somewhere :)

When Stiles' eyes fluttered open, he found himself tied to a chair in an abandoned looking house.

Of course he'd been kidnapped.


"Ah good you're awake." Derek grinned, pulling up a chair in front of him. "Sorry about the ropes. Don't want you getting away do I?"

"D-Derek?" Stiles whispered, terrified.

"Sorry honey, Derek isn't home right now."


"Yes me, Stiles. Weird speaking face to face isn't it?"

"Get the hell out of my boyfriend."

"Technically he isn't your boyfriend. He wasn't here when you asked him, so technically" The nogitsune ran a finger down Stiles' cheek. "I'm your boyfriend."

"Well in that case you're dumped."

Void laughed. "Oh Stiles how you make me laugh. You're such a strange specimen. You act so happy and idiotic all the time, when deep down, you're just a shattered boy." He snorted. "You act so tough but you're not Stiles. I know inside your little head."

"Yeah well, things have changed."

"Do you know who else's head I've been in?" Void sat back on his chair and tapped Derek's forehead. "Derek's."

"The other day..."

"Everything I said? Pfft. That's bullshit Stiles. Derek doesn't love you."

Stiles felt like his newly repaired heart had broken again. He looked away from the man in front of him, tears threatening to fill his eyes.

"Shhh don't look so upset Stilinski, I'm kidding."


"Yes, all that rubbish about you being his anchor is probably a lie, but this idiot believes it. And he does care about you Stiles. In fact, I think it's safe to say he loves you." Void grinned, crouching down beside Stiles. "I think it's safe to say that you're the person he loves most." He looked Stiles in the eye. "And that's why I'm going to make him kill you."

"Ah, but won't that kill you?"

"Glad you asked, you see, now that I have this lovely werewolf to roam around in, I can heal super duper fast. Also, that whole evolving thing Derek did in Mexico? Really helps me. Now I can stab you till Derek's heart is ashes and I will be fine."

Stiles' eyes widened. He tugged on the ropes that bound him to the chair, desperately trying to free himself. He thought back to his experience of being possessed by the nogitsune and remembered that he could see and hear everything the nogitsune could.

"Derek I know you can hear me!" Stiles leaned forward, towards Derek. "You have to break free! I know you're strong enough!"

The nogitsune started to laugh, but then put his hands to his head and fell to the floor in pain. It hurt Stiles to hear Derek's groans and screams of agony, but all he could do was sit and hope that he was winning.

Derek looked up at Stiles suddenly. "Stiles!" He groaned, crawling to his chair. "It's me... I'm going to-"

Before Derek could slice the bonds that held Stiles down he was flung back, and another wail of agony escaped the werwolf's lips.


"Ooh that was a good one." Derek's face was contorted in fury. "I forget how strong he is, and this just proves how much he loves you." The nogitsune grinned. "And how perfect my plan is."

The nogitsune produced a roll of duct tape from a bag and tore a piece off, violently sticking it to Stiles' face so that he couldn't speak.

"Now you can't annoy me with your stupid sarcasm."

"So Derek," the nogitsune spoke to itself. "Where shall we start? I was thinking maybe slicing off a few fingers...?"

Stiles involuntarily clenched his hands into fists. The nogitsune began to chuckle, but stopped, his head perking up and the grin slipping off his face.

"No! No no no no no! How did they figure it out so fast!"

Stiles frowned, but soon sighs in relief as Liam and Isaac burst through the door, closely followed by Scott.

"Well done guys. You caught me. I am indeed, Void."

Stiles muffled something inaudible and rolled his eyes. Derek flashed him a grin.

"So boys, how're we gonna do this? I could just give you your friend and you can let me go. Or, now this is my favourite- I kill Stiles, and then all three of you! Or two, sorry Liam, Theo still needs you."

"I say option three." Scott said, stepping forward.

"Oh? And what's that?"

"This." Deaton stepped out from behind Derek and plunged a needle into his neck. "You should be familiar with this treatment. It's called, Kanima Venom."

Isaac sliced the ropes tying Stiles down and helped him up as Derek fell to his knees.

"I'm... Going... To... Kill you all!"

Stiles pulled the tape off his mouth and shoved it roughly onto Derek's.

"Now you can't annoy me with your stupid sarcasm." Stiles mimicked, wobbling slightly on his crutches as he pulled back. The scowl that appeared on Derek's face made him chuckle as they left, void slung over Scott and Isaac's shoulders.


Decided to post this a day early as well as tomorrows update as a thank you for 4K :) Part one is nearly over!

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