You're my Bella

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Derek didn't leave Stiles' side for the rest of that day. He took him home, covering him with a coat to shield him from the sunlight, which now burnt his skin, and told him to get some rest. He took him to his room, going in first and drawing the curtains. Even in the dark Stiles looked pale, and sickly.

"Vampire's don't sleep."

"What's wrong then?" Derek replied exasperated, pacing. Stiles looked at his ghostly hands.

"I nearly killed someone Derek." He stopped pacing. Derek looked at Stiles with worried eyes and in a flash he was holding his boyfriend's arm. "Lance... he had me in some kind of spell... I looked it up. Sometimes Vampires become sired to their creators. He... told me to do things and I... I couldn't stop."

Derek held his boyfriend as he choked out the words, rubbing a hand down his back.

"It's ok Stiles. It wasn't you."

"No but... I enjoyed it Derek." Stiles looked up at his boyfriend with fearful, tear lined eyes. "It felt good."

Derek said nothing, only holding his boyfriend tighter.

"I'm a freaking vampire."

"I don't see why that is such a shock for you." Stiles frowned. "Stiles, your best friend is a werewolf."

"Yeah but, I'm like creepy Edward Cullen now." Stiles pouted, and then laughed.


"You're my Bella."

Derek rolled his eyes and shoved his boyfriend, glad that the bite hadn't taken away his sense of humour.


Derek called for a pack meeting later that day, as many of the others thought Stiles was dead. They were all extremely relieved to see him alive, and Malia to see him again after the breakup.

There was one person, however, that Derek was not pleased to see. Maxia.

"Stiles, I had no idea that this would happen I'm so sorry." Maxia said, sadly, offering a small smile.

"It's ok."

"No." Derek growled, stalking towards the witch. "This is your fault. It's your fault Stiles went loopy. It was your spell. It was your idea to get the vampire. How are we supposed to trust you now? Huh? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

"Derek stop." Stiles placed his hands on his boyfriend's chest, stopping him from ripping Max to shreads. "It's not her fault."

"Yes it is."

"No, Der." Stiles put his hands on Derek's cheeks. "Derek." He said sternly, forcing the werewolf to look him in the eye. Derek huffed and pulled away, sending Max a dirty look. She didn't cower.

"I am truly sorry Derek. Stiles, it's nice to finally meet you in person. I know that this in no way makes up for what has happened, but I'd like to give you this." She handed him a box. Stiles opened it eagerly. Inside was an old antique ring with a brilliant red stone.

"Um... Thanks. I'm a real fan of... giant, red rings..."

"Shut up idiot. It's an anti daylight ring. It's the only one I could find." Max pushed the ring on Stiles' finger and led him to the patch of sunlight that shone through the glass windows.

"Er, I don't think that..." Stiles pushed back against her, but she was strong. "Hold on-" Stiles stumbled into the sun. He quickly pulled his hoodie up to protect himself, and held it up for a second. After realising that Max's spell had worked, he let it drop, awkwardly stepping back next to Derek, who was chuckling to himself. Stiles shoved him, forgetting his strength, and making the werewolf stumble.


"It's the least I could do."


Just to let you know, most of the stuff I know about vampires comes from TVD. And yes, elements of the series do have an influence later on in this part, so keep an eye out. But this is in no way a crossover, and I won't use any TVD characters in this, only a couple of ideas as you will find out ;)

Also I apologise for the lack of updates recently. It just didn't seem like anyone was reading the last chapter.

It would be really nice if you guys could comment your opinions so I know that you're enjoying the story :)

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