The Wild Card

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Stiles sat with his back to the cold concrete wall, staring bleakly at Derek's paralysed body. Every now and again the nogitsune would flash him an unwelcome grin. He had hoped that now that Derek had been possessed the linking spell would have broken, but as Stiles ran a knife down his hand he watched the blood pool underneath Void, which only made the demon chuckle.

Stiles could hear Deaton mumbling some words in what sounded like Latin, above Derek's head. All he could hear was this mumbo jumbo and a voice in the back of his head telling him that they were all going to die.

"Stiles!" Lydia whispered urgently, beckoning him over. He hobbled up and over to her and Deaton, following Lydia's direction and placing his hand in Deaton's. Lydia helped him to stand.

As Deaton finished the spell Stiles felt electric pain zip through his vains, causing him to spasm and shudder in Lydia's arms.

"Gonna die gonna die gonna die." He mumbled and pushed away from Lydia. Deaton snapped his book closed and looked at Stiles with worried eyes.

"Stiles?" Scott placed a hand on his shoulder, but Stiles swiped at him blindly with his hand.

"Gonna die we're all gonna die."

"Stiles what are you-"

The pack's attention turned away from Stiles however, as the door of Derek's lift opened and in walked Theo and his pack, followed by a familiar face.

"Allison?" Lydia whispered, staring in awe at the girl identical to her best friend, but with an arrow aimed to her head.

"She can't hear you. She only knows how to obey. I thought, since you wouldn't stay dead, Scott, I'd bring along my wild card."

It took a moment for them all to regain themselves, and in that time, Theo had noticed the incompetent Stiles, rocking back and forth in the corner.

"Aw, had poor Stiles gone a bit mad? Good job we don't need him anymore."

Hayden managed to slip past her 'pack' and walk round to Liam, slipping her hand into hers. Theo growled.

"So this is who you choose over me?"

"In a heartbeat." Hayden snapped, tightening her grip on Liam.

Theo lunged at Scott an the fighting began. Lydia stood, helpless, as Allison came towards her with her bow outstretched.

"Allison! It's me Al, can you hear me?"

Allison's blank face paid no attention to Lydia's words. She slowly let the arrow fly, directly into Lydia's face.

But it didn't hit home.

Lydia had waved her hand in front of her face and the arrow stopped mid air. To Lydia, the battle seemed to freeze as she plucked the arrow out of the sky and held it in her hands. Her mind flashed back to Eichen House. Eichen House! Was that even real? A voice rang in her head; "I'm going to enhance your powers Lydia."

She looked at her hands; with a slight scream, she pushed her palms forward, sending Allison backwards slightly.

Scott and the others turned to her and stopped, shocked.

"What?" She said, shrugging. As the battle picked up again she kicked her heels off and ran towards Allison, prepared to do anything to win back her friend.

Kira ran through the door, hearing the commotion, undetected by any of the pack. She saw Derek in the centre of the room, paralysed and defenceless, and saw her opportunity. Stiles, in his broken mindset, somehow sensed what she was about to do, ad crawled away from Deaton, towards the Nogitsune.

"No no! No!" He tried to yell but his voice became stuck in his throat. It suddenly became hard for him to move, as he tried to stop his friend.

Kira paid no attention to Stiles. She whipped her blade from her back and stared with golden eyes into the Nogitsune's, plunging her sword deep into its chest. Derek's body froze, cracks appearing up his face and neck, until he was still, the sword shattering. He was statue sitting in the centre of a battle.

Stiles let out a pained scream that made everyone turn to look. He dragged himself to Derek and placed his hands on his cheeks.

"No no no" He mumbled repeatedly, tears flowing down his cheeks. "Don't leave me."

"Kira what did you do?!" Scott cried, pained. Theo took this opportunity to swipe at Scott, catching him in the chest and raising him into the air with his claws.

Lydia let out a scared sob and she raised her hands to her mouth. The girl behind her frowned as she heard this- sudden realisation flashing in her mind. She ran forward, unsheathed an arrow and let it fly into Theo's head.

Theo released Scott, collapsing to the ground: dead.

"Allison?" Scott said timidly, picking himself up slowly and stepping towards her.

"Hey Scott." She smiled. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be Allison-"

"Lydia." She turned around to face her best friend. "Lyds I love you." She turned to Isaac, her eyes saddening. "Isaac, I love you. Move on."

Isaac's face contorted into a watery smile and he stepped forward to embrace her, just as she crumbled into dust. He fell to his knees, trying not to think about the fact that she slipped through his fingers again.

The chimeras slowly backed away, out of the door, leaving the pack with their tragic losses.


Um I'm just gonna leave this here


THERES ONE MORE CHAPTER (it's kind of an epilogue) O M G

Who's ready?

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