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Omg I've only just realised how excited I get on Wednesdays when I get to update :) I've had this written part for a few months now so it's so exciting for you to finally read it. Lol I sound really sappy. Enjoy!

Lydia, Scott and Isaac were asleep. Stiles was huddled in a blanket, sipping a hot mug of chocolate. Malia had a sleeping Isaac on her lap, and she ran her head through his light curls. Stiles watched them, a smile on his face.

"Is this weird for you?" Malia asked, when she noticed Stiles watching her.

"Not really." Stiles said softly, voice only just returning. "So are you two a thing now?"

Malia shrugged. "I guess. I haven't really thought about it."

"You two are cute together. He deserves someone like you."

"He dated Allison didn't he?"

Stiles' eyes grew sad and he nodded slightly. "Not properly. They didn't get a chance to date, or be an official couple. They would have been cute."

Malia nodded, staring down at Isaac's face fondly. "You and Derek are cute."

The compliment brought a warmth to Stiles heart but also a sadness. "Thanks."

"Hey, I've finally got signal." Malia said holding out her phone. "Want to ring your Dad?"

Stiles nodded eagerly, taking the phone and rapidly dialling his Dad's number.

"Stiles!" His Dad yelled down the line.

"Hey Dad, I'm so sorry. I-"

"Stiles you have to help! We're at the hospital!" A scream pierced the line. "I'm with Melissa, hurry!"

The line went dead. Stiles and Malia were on their feet.  Isaac had jerked awake.

"Dad?" Stiles cried out, pained, to the dead line."Scott wake up! Our parents are in trouble." He shook his friend awake and threw on his coat.

Scott leapt up, and the two jumped round to the door. They frantically pushed the piled up snow away, Scott more successful than Stiles. The others were telling at them so stop, that they couldn't go out in the storm, but they didn't listen.

When they finally got outside, Stiles checked the jeep.

"It won't work in this cold!"

"I'll run. Get on!" Without hesitation, Stiles had leapt onto his best friend's back, and they were racing towards the hospital, through the now settled snow.


The sheriff checked his hair in his car mirror and straightened his tie. It was late, and the hospital had just closed. Melissa was in charge of locking up the reception, and he was picking her up for their third date.  The sheriff waded through the thick snow and tugged the door open. He had parked the car as close to the door as possible.

He couldn't believe he had waited this long to ask her out.

The sheriff stepped inside the doors and held the bunch of flowers out to Melissa, a huge smile on his face.

"Hi there."

"Hey." Melissa closed her workbook. "Can we get out in this weather?"

"Storm's stopped." The sheriff replied, laying the flowers on her desk." It's just dinner, as long as we can get out in this thick snow and we can drive, we'll be ok."

"Okay then, I'll just get changed. Give me five." The sheriff nodded and waited, a sheepish grin on his face.

The doors slid open and a figure walked through. The sheriff looked up, a frown on his face that quickly turned into shock.

Donovan was back.

"Hello there Sheriff." Donovan drawled, shaking snow off his shoulders. "Long time no see."

"You're dead."

Donovan grinned. "Nah. Didn't you know? I'm a chimera now."

The sheriff reached round to his back pocket to the gun he always kept there.

"That's not gonna work on me Sheriff. I've got big badass powers now." Donovan flexed his muscles. Oh and also, unfortunately for you, I brought a friend."

"John!" Melissa cried, her voice strained and weak, as she was dragged out of the store room, a vampire's hand around her throat. She was bleeding from a wound in her neck, and looked very pale.

"Lance." John muttered, accusingly. "You killed my son!"

"Yeah, well he's alright now inne?" Lance Merlyn scanned the Sheriff with his eyes. "Ooh you're all dressed up! That for me Sheriff?" Lance wiped the drip of Melissa's blood that ran down his chin, and gave the man a bloody smile.

"You better run." Donovan said as Lance threw a weak Melissa at the Sheriff. He caught her, shuffling backwards. "We'll give you a head start."

When they were out of earshot, the Sheriff's phone rang.



So a bit of a cliffhanger for y'all :3

How do you guys feel about Lance and Donovan? What are their plans??

Hope you enjoyed! Comment and vote :)

See you next Wednesday!

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