That's not Stiles

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He adjusted his bandage at the door of the true alpha's house.  He smirked a little at the self inflicted wounds all over his new body. Just for effect though, they didn't hurt him much when it came to the bigger picture. They just looked real bad. He rang the bell, slumping against the porch and making his breathing sound laboured. The door opened and he was collected in strong arms.

"Scott!" The voice yelled. He could feel it rumbling through his chest. Fishing through the boy's mind, he brought up images of who it was that was holding him. He nearly blew his cover smiling at what he saw.

"Hey Der..." He mumbled into the werewolf's chest.

"Shh don't talk." A look of worry flashed on Derek's face.

"Scott!" Derek called to the alpha, more urgently this time, softly placing him on the sofa.

Scott galloped into the room and skidded to the couch, plopping onto his knees. He grabbed the pale hands in front of him.

"Stiles? Hey, buddy, how you feeling?" Scott's grip was tight around his hand.

"Like I just got hit by a car." Scott's face paled, and his grip got even tighter. He could see him trying to take his pain as he spoke.

"I can't take your pain." The nogitsune smirked as he recalled a memory from Stiles' head. It wasn't very Stiles-like, but he couldn't resist.

"That's because it doesn't hurt." He whispered, coughing slightly. Scott's eyes widened as he uttered those words. The red headed girl in the corner looked away from him, tears brimming in her eyes.

Strawberry blonde. A weak voice in his head corrected.

The werewolf that the boy he was wearing was so in love with frowned at Stiles. The nogitsune panicked. He started coughing, bringing up blood from the back of his throat and spitting it all over the floor, trying to distract the werewolf with worry about the boy. He underestimated his intelligence.

"Scott, stand back."

"What? Why?" Scott stood up, but didn't step away from his best friend, who was choking his lungs out.

"That's not Stiles."

The nogitsune stopped choking. He grinned up at Scott, blood dribbling down his chin. "Aw Derek you're no fun." he smirked as Isaac grabbed his arms in a tight grip. "The boy thinks you don't care. But you do don't you Derek? Stiles loves you but you haven't told him you love him back! And now you never can."

Derek made to lunge at the nogitsune, but Scott placed a hand out to stop him. "Remember that's Stiles."

The nogitsune laughed. "This isn't Stiles. This is me. Theo has your little friend still. You see, the transition isn't complete yet. That's why your lovely friend here is able to hold me down. But soon, I will be completely Void again."

"Where is Stiles?"

"Still hooked up to a machine in a considerable amount of pain." He grinned, eyes sweeping the now tense room. "Don't worry. He's alive, I can feel him. It only gets worse from here."

That time it was Lydia that lunged. She grabbed the baseball bat that lay beside the couch and smashed the nogitsune's head, knocking him out.

The three werewolves looked at her in shock. She wiped a couple of years from her cheeks and shrugged.

"He was annoying me."

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