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I was debating whether or not to update today because I usually do Wednesdays and Sundays but you guys are good to me so here :) Also I really like this chapter.

"Deaton! Hey, just the man we wanted."

"Good to hear you're ok Stiles."

"Yeah listen, so we've got a teensy problemo over here-"

Lydia grabbed the phone from Stiles and walked away from the boy's desk, giving him an exasperated look. Stiles opened his mouth and frowned as the phone was taken from him.

"Hey Doc. Listen, the Nogitsune has somehow bound himself to Stiles, so if he is hurt Stiles is hurt, vise versa. How do we stop it?"

"It sounds like it might be a spell."

"Wait a spell?  As in witchy spell?" Isaac gawked at Lydia.

"No, Isaac, he means a sunny spell." Stiles rolled his eyes as Isaac frowned in confusion. "Joking. Of course he means witchy spell."

"Wait, does that mean Witches exist?" Scott leaned over a confused Isaac and spoke to Deaton.

"Yes. I don't have much experience with them, but I do owe one a favour after a run in with a vampire left her for dead. I might just be able to get back in contact with her and-"

"Vampire?" Stiles and Isaac said at the same time, both wearing shocked and horrified expressions.

"Like, sparkly Robert Patinson?" Stiles said, disgusted.

"No. Vampires don't sparkle in the sunlight, they burn."

"Can I ask why you've never told us this before?"

"It was never relevant."

"Can I ask how any of this is relevant to the problem at hand?" Lydia moved away from the boys,taking control of the conversation.  Isaac and Scott followed, leaving a lame Stiles sitting at his desk in a huff. He tried to manoeuvre himself over to hear what Deaton had to say, but he only fell off the chair with a grunt.

"You're right Lydia. Just give me a second." The muffled ruffling of papers could be heard down the phone, along with Deaton's occasional mutterings. "Ah. Here's the number of the witch from Kansas City. Call her, tell her Alan Deaton wants his favour now. Her name is Max, but call her Maxia to be safe."

"Thank you Deaton." Lydia hung up. "Ok. Guys we need to... Stiles what the hell?" Lydia frowned at Stiles hanging off his chair upside down.

"I'm ok!"

Lydia stuffed her phone into her bag. "We should go to Derek's loft, see how he's got on with his turn looking after the Nogitsune."


"Der?" Stiles limped through the door as Scott pulled it open. "Deeereeek?" He sang, setting his laptop up on the table, and scanning the room for Derek. 

"Stiles." Derek pulled his new boyfriend in for a kiss. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good now." Stiles smirked. A cough from behind them broke the two apart. Scott rolled his eyes as Stiles jumped back. Isaac and Lydia stood in awe, until Isaac practically leapt up, fist pumping the air.


"Bi actually."

"Shut up you idiots." Derek glared at Isaac. "What's the news?"

"We may have found a way to break the spell." Lydia sat down in front of the laptop and logged in.

"Spell?" Derek frowned.

"Yah. Witches." Stiles waved his hands in Derek's face. "OH and guess what, Vampires! Bet you didn't know that." Derek slapped the back of Stiles' head and rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. Stiles pursed his lips and flopped into one of the chairs next to Lydia.

"How's Void?" Scott asked, seriously.

"Still tied up to the chair in your house. I think he must have taken some of Stiles' traits, for example sarcasm. He was beginning to annoy me."

Stiles laughed. "Try having him inside your head."


Originally, this was going to be one long chapter, but I realised it was probably easier to split it into two. So here, have an awkward chapter ending.

Also, I've just rewatched the end of s5 again and realised that I've forgotten about Parrish, Tracy, Cory etc. I'm very sorry but let's just forget about them for now. Oops.


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