The Day Has Begun

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Well here's the rest of the chapter and the pic of Uncle Benson.


The radio rang out at full blast playing "Erase My Scars" by Evans Blue. I groaned and rolled over to look at the clock. It was 6 o'clock in the morning and I didn't get any type of sleep. Great. I really didn't want to get out of bed but with Aunt Karen was on the prowl, so I doubt I could get away with a few more minutes staying in bed. Groaning once more I sat up and stretched out my arms and tail trying to get rid of the sleep that was lingering about. Sighing, I pushed myself off my bed and walked out into the hallway towards the kitchen.

As I walked down the hall I could smell bacon, eggs, and french toast. MY FAVORITE! I tell you one thing, birthday breakfast is the best  meal of the day. Urging myself not to run at top speed to my wonderful breakfast. So instead, I jogged towards my lovelies. As I got closer and closer to my food I began to daydream about my luxurious food entering my mouth. The savory taste dancing on my tongue that it felt too good to be true. But that came all to an end when I almost ran into my very pregnant woman, "ACK!!!"

I stopped to a screeching halt. I really didn't feel like seeing her this early in the morning. I wonder if I could make her go back to bed? But that thought was stopped when my auntie literally sneered at me "What have I told you about running in my house!"

My eyes twitched. I really didn't want to deal with her hormonal butt today.


I groaned, not caring if she heard or not. I looked at her and gave her the fakest smile that anyone has ever seen "W~ell I technoly wasn't running, I was jogging. Some very light jogging."


"Alright, alright. No need to get stressed out. We don't want that baby to pop out too soon, now don't we Aunt Karen?"

Sometimes I wonder if Karen was a demon herself . But then again she'd probably kill herself for being one. I guess this is what you come out of being raised by nuns ever since her parents dropped her off at a nunnery at the age of 7 til she graduated from college.

Growling, I walked around my glaring aunt and continued on towards the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen doorway I was greeted by the warm smile of my Uncle "Happy Birthday Sofie!"

I couldn't help but grin "You already told me Happy Birthday Uncle Benson."

He shrugged with a grin on his face "So what? Your my only niece and you're 16. The most special day of a teen's life. Well other than 18. But you're getting Happy birthday all day non-stop from me."

I shook my head, giggling "If you do that then you're going to get my phone taken up."

Both of us laughed at that until the hormonal wicked witch of the west came in and stopped it "I see you two are having fun."

I couldn't stop the frown from appearing on my face.

"Hello sweetie."  They kissed "How you and the baby doing?"

Aunt Karen rubbed her belly "Heavy," She glanced at the food hugrily "And hungry."

Uncle Benson chuckled "Well the food is out and ready to be eaten."

I really do wish she had stayed in bed. Aunt Karen smiled softly at her husband then sat down from across my seat. I tried my best not to get irritated since she usually sat across from my uncle. I took deep breathes and sat down in my usual seat. When everyone sat down we said our prayers. Sometimes I think it's kinda weird for a half demon to be praying to God cause know.

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