Time For Class

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~At Class~ 

"Gosh Sofie, I said I was sorry. How many times do I have to say it?" Jasper asked as he rubbed his swollen cheeks. 

I looked away from him and pouted "Give me a reason I should forgive you!? You know that's sensative!" 

"OOOOH! I see Jasper found your sweet spot. <3" 

My face grew red once again "No he didn't ya short perv!" 

"My name is Coraline, not short perv." Coraline snickered out. 

Coraline has been my friend since the 5th grade. Even then she was a energetic, pervtered person who could make anyone smile.  

Coraline sat on my desk, crossing her legs like always and whispered loud enough just for me and Jasper to hear. "So did ya hear about the new guy coming to this class. And I hear he's HOT!!!" 

Jasper busted out laughing "How do you find out about these things?" 

"Yea we gotta know." I said, giggling. 

Coraline pumped out her chest and crossed her arms "Like I'd tell you guys. I love you guys and all but I got to keep my secrets or my life wouldn't be all that interesting." 

Jasper gave a hardy chuckle while I shrugged, guessing who she was getting her info from. Soon the teacher Mr. Baxter walked in with a tall, tan, musclar guy with black eyes behind him, "Hello class, time to quiet down. Today I would like to introduce to you-" 

"Xavier Rouge. Nice to meet you all." He winked. 

Most of the girls in the room were swoon while most of the guys became secretly jealous of him. But all of this just annoyed me. Coraline leaned over and whispered "See. Didn't I tell you he was hot." 

I gave her a fake smile "You were right, he's gorgous." 

I tried to keep from gagging as those words came out my mouth. The dude looked as if he had a stick so far up his ass that it was his neck. Either that or just an pureblooded asshole. Mr. Baxter adjusted his glasses and scanned the room "Ok Mr. Rouge we're going to seat you..." I closed eyes and hoped that the teacher wouldn't seat him in the "haunted" desk behind me. Rumors have it that a student died in that seat and the spirit will curse you if you ever sit in it. "Behind Ms. Novail."  

I hit my head on the desk. I guess Mr. Baxter didn't want aymore students. "Ms. Novail please raise your hand." 

Groaning, I raised my hand high enough for the new kid to see. Xavier smiled then walked to the behind me. When he sat down the teacher began his lesson. 


Some time pasted by as the teacher dragged on about the lesson. I was fighing the urge not fall asleep during lesson but I was failing miserably. If Coraline didn't toss a note at my head I probably would've stabbed myself with my tail. I looked at Coraline, who was pointing at the note. I shrugged nd opened it. It read: 

"Hey, are you still having your sweet 16 at your job?" 

I grinned. She really was excited to go to my party. I jotted down:

"Yup! I'm surprised that he let me have it during work hours."

I tossed it back when the teacher wasn't looking. I watched as Coraline read, giggled and replied. She tossed the note back and I opened it immediately.

It read:

"I know right!? XD How old is the dude any way 60?" I chuckled "Anyway, why don't you invite the new boy? He's a cutie! <3

I stared at the note, dumbfounded, then I looked at Coraline who was smiling from ear to ear. I cringed a bit before turning my head to get a glance of the new kid. Something was off about the new boy and it was making me uncomfortable. All of a sudden the new kid looked up and caught me looking at him. He smirked darkly then winked. I jumped slightly and almost broke my neck to look away. And before you could say "DANG!" I wrote "HELL TO THE  NO!!!" and flung it in Coraline's face.

Coraline rubbed her forehead as she openned the note. She frowned then looked at and mouthed "Why not!!"

I mouthed back "Write it down."

Once said, Coraline began writing farouisly. You could tell that she was pissed cause you could hear the pencil all the way to the front. When the teacher heard it he turned away then frowned. He was happy.

I tried my best to get Coraline to stop but it was too late. Mr. Baxter walked over to Coraline and snatched the note from under her "Now what do we have here?"

Coraline started blushing "N-Nothing! Just taking notes."

"Oh really. You're still taking notes, even though the notes will be on my website?"

I looked at Coraline, hoping make up a good excuse and fast! Coraline point at him and stated "But research says you remember stuff better if you write them down more then once."

I inwardly threw confetti at Coraline's clever response. "Well I don't see you writing notes for a testing day."

Coraline's mouth opened then closed her mouth with nothing to say. That is when I knew we were doomed. Mr. Baxter adjusted his glasses and pulled the paper up to his face and began to read out loud. As every word that came out his mouth the redder me and Coraline's face got. When the teacher was done talking the whole class burst out laughing making us blush to a jasper color. Mr. Baxter got the class quiet before talking again "So Ms. Valentine, do tell why you and Ms. Novail are passing notes in my class."

My mouth almost dropped "How'd you know I was doing the note passing!?"

He smirked "I didn't."

Now I felt stupid. I just told on myself without thinking. That's a good 5 slick points lost. "And since you two broke one of my very important rule, you'll have to pay the consquence."

I didn't like the way he said that word "And what type of consquence is this?"

 When I asked that it looked as if a light shadow ran into Mr.Baxter at top speed so I didn't get a good glance at it. I looked at the teacher and scowled "Bring Mr. Rouge to your party today."

Now I really was starting to get suspicious "And what if I don't?" I looked directly in his eyes and started pushing into his mind. When I was in his mind, all I saw was a simple 47 year old teacher, his famliy, work, friends and sometimes porn. As I floated around in his head, something grabbed and yanked on my leg.

Alarmed, I looked down and saw a blackened hand wrapped around my ankle. I growled "This is not my day."

I raised my hand and created a small fireball in my palm. I aimed it at the hand and snarled "Let go of my leg, you ugly slimy shadow freak."

I threw the fireball it and it hissed before shivaling away. I blew my bang out my face before turning my head "Ok back to business."

Before I could move more shadow hands came and grabbed me until I was unable to move "H-Hey let go!!!"

I tried to struggle but the shadows only tightened to a bone crushing strengthand began to pull me down into a pool of blackness. If I wasn't scared that the shadow would crush my bones to dust I would've struggle harder. As I was pulled down into the black I could hear someone whispering "Sofia~. Sofia I miss you. Sofia come to me."

Before I could scream for help that wasn't going to come, the hands yanked me the rest of the way down into the pool.

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