Read, Nap, Then Work

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Alright got another chapter up hope you like. XD


I flopped on my bed, face down in my pillow. I was deciding on whether or not if I should start crying again or scream into my pillow. Deciding on a third option I got out of the bed and walked to the closet. When I openned it and moved my shoes revealing a secret hatch.

At first you couldn't tell it was a secret hatch because of the way the floor was cut and there was no handle to it. The way I found it was by total accident. I was just moving in with my uncle and aunt and was getting my things situated when my favorite boucy ball fell out of my pocket and bouced into the closet. I chased after it and found the ball lodged between two boards. As I yanked the ball out the hatch popped open, revealing a 5 1/2 feet of open space. Now it's a place for my mother's diaries and my father's spellbooks and potions. Those things are the reason why she sould speak Latin. And that's not always a good thing.

I looked around all the books and diaries until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out the darkest book in the collection and threw it on the bed. Before I got out I grabbed one of my mom's diaries and left the hatch. I sat on the edge of the bed and placed the diary beside me while I grabbed for th eblack book.

This was a book used by many demons for variety of spells. It was a pain in the ass trying to read it when I was younger since everthing was either latin or some demonic language.

I proppped open the book, swatting the souls that flew out, and looked through it to find what I was looking for. It didn't take long to find the spell that I was going to use.

This is a spell that brings anything written on pages to life, whether it be old as sand or on a laptop. I would use this spell whenever I get frustated, sad or scared. Doing this helps me calm down and stops me from forgetting what my mother looked like.

"Entia scripta in verba

tuum hominum explicare

Et indica nobis quomodo narrentur"

(Beings written down in words 

let your personalities unfold

And show us how your story is told)

All of a sudden a black woman with long, wavy hair appear at a desk writing. "Mommy......"

Even though I knew she was dead, my heart sped up.

Soon she started talking as she wrote down her words.


Dear Diary,

Oh my God I just found out the greatest news in my life. I'm pregnant!!! 27 years old and I'm finally going to have a child! The docters said I couldn't do to the way my uterus was positioned. I proved them wrong. HA HA! I guess I have to thank my Lord and savior and Lucus, my boyfriend. Tell you the truth I can't wait to tell him the news. But I wish the baby hurry and grow so I can see my beautiful, precious child." My mom smiled and rubbed her belly with sweetness in her eyes "I can't wait to meet it."

She and the desk vanished after that. I sighed happily. She's the reason why I can't wait to find my mate and have a family with him. Then my mind wondered to Jasper holding me, kissing me then rub my swollen stomach whispering "You're going to be a great mom."

I slapped myself as my face became red with embarrassment, and shame. Jasper just thought of us as friends. Nothing more. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it to my chest. I want this from him but I can't tell him my problems. Then it dawned on me.

I was living with a nun.

I jumped up and dashed towards the relatives' room after making sure that my aunt was still down stairs. When I got inside, I looked under the bed and found a little wooden box with a fish on it. I grinned "Bingo."

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