Traps and Levers

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Author's Note:
Sorry I wasn't able to write the story, although I'm gonna make this episode a little intense, 1000+ words, Brooklyn, Hemisphere and Kylie are the only ones who are going to be mentioned most of the time, so please don't expect more from Al and Alison. Hope you'll like the Episode: Traps and Levers. Sorry again, I had to study for our long test, okay so anyways read it now:

Brooklyn's POV

We were still stuck in the dorm, we had nothing to do until we saw bunch of glass panes app appeared in front of us, the other was empty, until it was slowly revealing a body of a boy that's locked in chains, he was kinda familiar.... It was Kylie! Hemisphere's eyes widened as my eyes did too. Hemisphere wiggled on his chair until he fell on the ground. I did the same thing as what Hemisphere did, I ended up lying on the floor like Hemisphere but I heard a stitch..... Hemisphere actually got out, he grabbed me and got me out of the rope, we were knocking or maybe punching or i don't know at the glass pane to wake Kylie up, but he didn't.

Kylie's POV

I can feel myself locked up...

It felt so heavy....

I can describe that it's chains....

A voice...

Someone's voice is calling my name.....


My eyes....

I opened my eyes as if it was all blurry, i closed it and opened it once again, it was all clear now.... I can see a blurred glass pane, a shadow of 2 persons just popped out of the glass pane, they were trying to break the glass..... The glass pane went clear now, it was Hemisphere and Brooklyn together in a room...... The Glass pane revealed a message and it says that I only had 60 seconds to escape the chains or something obnoxious would fall on top of me.....

The time was ticking....

I didn't know what to do....

The time ran out.....

It was time.....

I had nothing to do but to stare at the time in front of me.... Something opened on top of me..... Then it smelled worst than I though.... Gosh, expectations to reality sucks..... THEN THERE WAS F**C**NG WORMS ON TOP OF ME!! It was waiting to fall..... Ewe!!! SO GROSS!! And then there's the time when It fell.... Living my life sucks..... WORMS..... Why??

Hemisphere's POV

The glass pane blurred, but we can see a timer but it's backwards so we can't explain it clear, also there was a message, but we weren't able to understand it cause it was also backwards so yeah... Then the timer went to '0:00' we can understand cause it's Zero. The glass pane went clear again, then we saw Kylie covered with worms..... Ewe...... We were - of course obviously grossed.... Then we saw a lever that came out of no where, but Brooklyn rushed to the lever, but before that, someone was after us, I saw an obnoxious thing, it was entirely red.... It had large nostrils but a normal face....


I fell

I gotta get up ASAP


My feet

I can feel something grabbed me....

I shouted for help, Brooklyn faced at me, she was running back to help me but then a crack occurred on the middle of the room... I was kicking the monster for me to be able to escape...

It wasn't to late

I finally got out, I sprinted out..... Brooklyn grabbed my arms, I was about to fall of course Brooklyn too, but someone helped us....

Brooklyn's POV

Hemisphere was about to fall but someone grabbed me and pulled me back, Hemisphere was finally safe.... I can smell something bad...... It was worst than the smell of Al's shoes, when I faced my back.... SHIT IT WAS FUCKING KYLIE WITH WORMS!! EWE!!! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!... I was screaming for him to get off.... There was 5 or 6 worms that fell on me....EWE STILL GROSS.. Were glad water fell on us, we we're all wet, Hemisphere took his jacket off cause it was too heavy for him to pass all the rooms and mysteries we're going through....

Hemisphere's POV

Uhhg.... My Favorite Jacket , this sucks, I'm in a mystery, I can see ghosts, and now i'm losing something! But anyways, we saw a lever that just popped out of no where, It was confusing though, I was asking myself.....

Should I Pull It?

Or maybe not ........

I was expecting that the floor will shake and will create a huge crack.....

Here it goes.....

Here comes nothing.....

i was facing the other side while holding the Lever, well, I didn't have the chance to stop, so.......

I closed my eyes with fear..... Nothing Happened at all....

Then an earthquake occurred, but maybe only inside where we are....

A gigantic Crack also occurred and we fell,

Maybe the lever caused it, if I didn't pull it, we could've been stuck in that stinking room for days, it's better that I pulled it then become a rotten human inside that room.

Alison's POV

They Fell...

The lever didn't occur it, It was an earthquake, even our room shook.

Oh no...


We need to get to them fast before we ran out of time, I exclaimed. When I turned behind me-


I didn't even felt anything that something was about to happen to Al


I went through a portal that leads to a dark room, there was a room of someone, I was wandering around the room when the doorknob turned, I ran to hide, when I tried to hide, I saw a woman, she was tall, she had a long hair, and Glasses...


I never felt anything going through a portal, but anyways, the girl was going to sleep, she tucked herself in her bed and fell asleep, I tried to feel what was gonna happened next but I couldn't feel it, now I feel like something's wrong, I tried to run through the portal again when I slipped, the lady woke up, I quickly hid under her bed, when a sudden light flashed right into my eyes....


I didn't get a chance to know who the lady was but I need to help my friends quick..

Brooklyn's POV

We were falling, I grabbed hemisphere's arm and also- YUCK GET IT OFF ME YU FUCKING JERK!!- and of course I grabbed Kylie's arm as well- EWE- so anyways, we were still falling, I saw light from beneath us, and it looks like it's lava, I took a glance to see if there's something I could grab on, but there wasn't, a net grabbed us all, but I think it was a trap...

"To be continued..."

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