Chapter 1

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It's been a year since ultramans mebius and hikari have saved the earth from emperor alien the battle nearly costs both of them their lives but like always the ultramen always win in the end

And now we find the two red and blue ultras flighting half way across the universe to their next mission

"I wonder why father ultra scent us out on our next mission so early" said mebius

"Who knows, what concerns me more was the worry I heard in his voice" said hikari

"So was i it's not like the supreme commander to lose his cool like that" said mebius thinking about their earlier conversation back on the land of light the supreme commanders voice in his head 'please you two have to hurry mebius hikari who knows how long the beings in that planet have before they are all wiped out' mebius's train of thought was cut off when words written in an alien language appeared

"An ultra sign?" Asked hikari

"Yes but who's?" Wondered mebius, that's when it hit him "it's father ultras" realized mebius

"It says please hurry there isn't much time" read hikari "what is it about this planet that has him so worried!?" Asked a frustrated hikari as he clenched his fists while flying

"Who knows but if he's that worried about it then we should hurry" said mebius as he started to glow red

"Hai" said hikari as he started to glow blue

"Let's go hikari" said mebius, which earned him a nod from his comrade, and with that said they took off at the speed of light

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