Chapter 13

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A few hours later after they were done training eren and his friends were in the cafeteria area of the base with the other soldiers, while the others were eating killua and Gon were poking at their food and smelling it earning some weird looks from the others

"Umm Gon killua I understand that you guys don't normally eat human food or any food for that matter, but for once could you two make an exception" said mikasa

"No it's not that" said killua "we're use to eating earth food, it's just that this isn't what the food normally looks like"

"Yeah well this isn't exactly a fancy restaurant in case you two haven't noticed" said Jean

"common jean leave them alone" said eren

"no its ok eren we'll try anything" said gon as bought the spoon up to his mouth and ate the soup "well it's no as good a ramen but it's good" said killua as he and the rest of the soldiers continued eating and chatting

After the group finished eating captain Levi came and called killua and gon over while the others practiced their hand to hand combat, "all you two need to do is retain your balance while the wires are raised up" said levi as he mention for the two soldiers to raise gon and killua up, when they did they managed to keep their balance without falling

"Good now lower them" Levi commanded

As the two ultras were lower and the wires were unhooked from the belts on their waists, Levi then mentioned for two soldiers to bring two 3dm gears "these are 3dm gears, there are two handles attached to your belts" he said pointing to their waist, gon noticed the two empty sword handles attached to the belt, he took one of them and pressed the gun handles to see what would happen, suddenly a gap opened in the middle "those are used to retrieve swords from the gear" said Levi as he commanded the two soldiers who were assisting him to attach two of each of the metal boxes to Gon and killua's waists along with the small round device on the back, standing up he stepped back infront of them and said "push" killua and Gon both did as he said and lowered Their hands to one if the bare swords sticking out of the gear

"Now let go" he said smoothly they released their fingers to close the open handle, there was a clicking noise then they pulled out their swords and looked them over and they had to admit it was pretty cool how the humans of this planet have survived this long, as mebius pressed the handle again the blade fell out of the holder

"Should your sword break for any reason you can detach it from the handle and attach a new one from the gear" explained Levi as killua picked the blade back up and reattached it to the holder without cutting himself

"Next, those gas tanks on the gear are crucial, so make sure you don't run out or use to much cause if you do your Titan food" said Levi "press the handles again"

killua and gon did what he said and press the handles, the wires came flying out making gon and killua gawk at them, they came back slowly, levi caught them and showed the school boys the ends, "this is what you aim with when levitating the gear, make sure to latch on to something, a tree, a building, a titan, its extremely sharp so please try refrain form aiming at a teammate" he said letting go of the wires as they went back into their belts, they nodded saying that they understood the lesson

"the gas that keeps you flying comes out threw the your back" he pointed at the device behind killua, mentioned for one of the soldiers who were watching to give them an example, he solitude and pressed one of the handles as gas came flying put sending him a few feet forward, before coming back "do you understand have any questions?" asked levi they both shook their heads "good now lets see one of you try it" he pointed to a tree near by "see that tree use your gear to land on one of the branches"

"ne killua levi hichou sure likes to talk doesn't he?" said gon in japanese

"yeah even if he is a little short" said killua making Gon giggle a little

"What was that brats" said Levi as he glared at them "what are you talking about captain we didn't say anything" said killua trying to act innocent

"I heard my name when you spoke in your foreign talk, now what did you say" said Levi growing irritated

"We said your a really smart captain if you know so much about this 3D maneuvering gear" said killua lying

Levi just glared at them before sighing and said "yeah, yeah just hurry up and use the gear so we can move on"

They nodded and pressed their handles at the same time as wires flew out of them and connected to the trees then they used the gas to shoot forward and made one full circle around the tree and landed back infront of Levi

"Well how did we do?" asked gon waiting for the captains opinion

"You did ok on your first try" said levi earning both smiles from gon and killua as the two boys fist bumped "now on to combat training, I want to see how good your hand to hand combat skills are" said Levi as he mentioned the two school boys to take off the 3d gear and follow him to the middle of the training field, this caught a few of the solders attention and some of them watched as the two boys took their fighting stances glaring at each other, soon enough everyone started to form a circle so they could see what the fight up close among them were eren, mikasa, armin, connie, sasha, jean, yimr, krista, annie, rainier, and bertold

killua looked around him and noticed the crowed that had formed around him and gon, he smirked and looked at gon who also had a smirk on his face while nodding understanding the look killua was giving him 'well what do you say hikari lets give these people a show' said killua telepathically gon 'yeah lets do it' said gon

"ready, fight" said levi as the two charged at each other

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