Chapter 3: What?! Why?! But..

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Author's Note: read the previous chapter. i edited it and added somethings. hope you like this Chapter. :) I'll update this i think next week. for sure. LMFAO. did you saw the Big Announcement?! Well, its really awesome that they have a Stadium Tour around the world. I'm so very PROUD of my Boys. <3 xx

enjoy reading. <3 ~AnGeL x

~Sofy’s POV~

  I’ve been laying all day in my bed imagining about what my Mom and Dad said last night. I’ve been worrying about how would Harry act in response when I’d say to him that stupid news. “How could this be happening? I would really miss him so much if I’ll leave London for good. Should I tell him? “I blurted in my head. “What if he would never talk to me when I tell him that?” “What if he’ll say that our friendship is ruined because of me?” “What if he would forget me?” “What if.. He’ll...He’ll what?!” I cried out in my mind. “Stop with those WHAT Ifs!” I yelled in my mind. Wait, what happened to me yesterday at Harry’s house?

*Flashback at Harry’s house*

i know Harry wasn’t really focusing on the movie he was just there staring at me. I can feel his gaze at me. Moments later, I feel sleepy. I yawned as I tried to not sleep. I was really tired of school and I actually wanted to sleep. I looked at him to ask if I can lay my head on his lap. “Haz, can I put my head on your lap? I’m really tired and I think I should take a nap.” I said to him as my eyes started to shut a little close. “Yeah” Is all what he said whilst he pat his lap. I lay on his lap and begin to lock up my eyes. And that’s all I can remember. Oh, wait he and his mum drive me home and that’s all.

*End of Flashback*

Now that it’s Summer I can do whatever I want. Wait, I said whatever didn’t I? I mean not whatever coz we’re leaving London. I only have 2 months left to spend time with my friends especially Harry. How can I explain this to him? This is harder than I thought. What if he wouldn’t talk to me after that? What if our great friendship will be ruined because of me leaving London? This is very frustrating. I don’t know what to do about this thing.I put my hands to cover out my face. Thinking of how to tell Harry and Debbie that I wouldn’t be staying here in Cheshire again. Then suddenly I had a flashback of what happened last night.


  After I got a refreshing shower I entered my room to put clothes on. I picked my comfy PJs and a pink sleeveless top. I brushed my wet hair and I just let it dry for awhile. Then, I head downstairs to eat dinner. I reached the kitchen and saw Mum & Dad there waiting for me. “Good Evening Mum and Dad!” I said with a smile plastered on my face whilst hugging them both. “Good evening sweetheart!” they said in unison and I giggled. As I take a seat I look at them and they met my eyes. They looked like there’s a ghost at the back of me. They’re like nervous about something they want to tell but I ignore it though. I take my first bite of my food & I notice that they are so very quiet. “Why so quiet? They aren’t like this before. They used to talk about work or something else.” I muttered in my mind. So I got curious and ask them about it. “What’s wrong Mom? Dad?” I began as o worried face drew on my face. I was still looking at them with confusion, my Mum whispered in my Dad’s ear. And that makes me more curious, confused and worried all at the same time. After a few seconds Mum began “Uh.. uhm… sweetie, I know that is hard for you and us but you Dad..” she stopped whilst looking at Dad. Dad nodded as a raised my eyebrow. “Dad what?” I asked my Mum confusingly. “He said that we’re going to leave London and live in San Francisco-” she said but I cut her off before she finished what she’s saying. “What?! Why?! But ... But...” I yelled out still shocked ‘bout Mum said. “Sofy! Watch your mouth! Low down your voice!” is all Dad said anger in his tone of voice. “No. its okay Hun” Mum said to dad plainly, putting her hand on top of Dad’s and rub it just to make him calm down. I’m still staring at them, now Mum met my eyes and she said “Your Dad found a work there at San Francisco, California. It would be easy for him and also us if we live there for good.” Mum said looking at Dad. The words “Live there for good” were stuck in my head as my jaw dropped when I was imagining of what mum said to me. I thought I just misheard her but I was wrong.

                My face was like ‘WTF!’, my heart beating fast, mouth shaped a perfect ‘O’ , I feel my hands sweating and feels very anxious. “What about Harry and Debbie? I can’t leave them. They’ve been a part of my life and I can’t just ruin it by leaving them here. ” I said while I felt tears forming in my eyes but I tried to stop it but I failed. “Sofy, I understand-” said Dad but I cut him off. “Understand what Dad?!” I cried out tears streaming down my face. “They are like a part of me. If I can’t see them, something’s always missing with that part of me. And that’s them!” I said for crying out loud. “But sweetie, there’s nothing we can do. But your dad has to work for us.” Mum said pleading. Emotionless, I just nod to tell them that I agree but deep inside it really hurts or kills me because we’re leaving. I just don’t want to talk to them so I took my last bite and get up from my chair and go to my room.

*End of Flashback*


Would she tell Debbie and Harry?. What would their reaction be?. Wait for the next chapter. <3

Love you lots. <3 xx 




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