The Kidnapping

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"I'll go out inside and get the ice cream you stay here and find a seat." Lilly told me. I walked around looking for a seat when suddenly someone picked me up from behind. I started screaming, but the person put something over my mouth. I struggled and struggled, until I began to feel dizzy and weak. Eventually everything went black.


When I woke up I was in a very pretty room. It was white and blue with a bed, a desk, a window, and a bathroom. I tried the window but it was locked. I then went to the door and it opened. I slowly and carefully walked out and down the stairs. I heard voices and I listened carefully.

..." We have to tell her" A voice with a thick Irish accent said. I frowned, tell her what? Am I the 'her' they are referring to? Then another voice came. The voice sounded familiar.

"We can't, it will break her heart" Break who's heart? I'm so confused! Before they said more, I came around the corner. They all stared at me. I looked at them carefully. My eyes widened in shock, I quietly said " You're One Direction." Still in shock. But then it hit me, they kidnapped me! They laughed. Why were they laughing?

"Yes we are, love" Niall said. I had this weird feeling as I looked at them. I was slowly growing angrier and angrier.

" Why am I here? Where is here?" I asked in a tiny voice. Harry cleared his throat making me jump a little.

"I'm sorry we can't tell you right now." Tears started to form in my eyes. What the hell. My parents must be worried sick about me. I started to cry harder thinking about my family.

"Love, please stop crying we won't hurt you. Please stop." I felt strong hands holding me, I looked up and saw Niall. I slowed my crying a little, but not much.

"Would you like to eat something." Someone said. The thought of food made me realize how hungry I actually was. I nodded slowly, tears coming to a stop. Niall let go of me as they led me to the kitchen where Liam was cooking something. A few minutes later he sat a bowl of soup in front of me. I looked at it and pushed it back. What if they put something in it? What if I die? They all looked at me and Zayn who had not talked at all said,

"We didn't do anything to it. We don't want to hurt you." I just looked at the food, still not convinced. I carefully brought the spoon to my month, shaking, and took a bite. It was REALLY good! My hungry hit me and I ate all.

The boys were in the back of the room arguing about something. I slowly got up and tried to sneak away. 

-Liam's POV

"We have to tell her. We can't keep it from her any longer. She's going to find out sooner or later." Louis said staring at me. I knew we had to tell her we can't hide it from her anymore.

"Ok, fine we will but not tonight. I will tell her in the morning." I sighed and turned around to see Emily's seat was empty. "Dang it." The boys followed my gaze and we all hurried to catch her before she left. I ran to the living room and my eyes immediately shot to the door where Emily was, about to open the door. I rushed over to her direction and pulled her back. She started screaming, but I continued to pick her up over my shoulder and carry her to her room. She pounded her fists against my back, screaming her lungs out.

When we got to her room, I put her on the bed and left. Eventually her screaming stopped, hopefully meaning that she had fallen asleep. God. I feel like the worst person in the world...


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