Feelings developing

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-Niall's POV

I really like Emily. I think she likes me back, but I don't know. I pushed the thought away as Liam walked into the room. He looked like he was thinking. What would he be thinking about this time! He sat down and I decided to ask as the others walked in.

"Hey whatcha' thinkin' about?" Liam looked up.

"Emily wants to call her friend and I don't think it's a great idea. I told her I would think about it, but I think she shouldn't. What if her friend tells her parents? I couldn't risk that!" I sat there. He was right, but she needs someone that knows her, we can't keep her from her whole past life, it's not fair to her.

"I think you should let her. Let her invite her friend over and we could tell hr how important it is to not tell anyone else. It's not fair to Emily. She needs Her best friend. We can't hide her her whole life." Liam stared at me. Zayn, Louis, and Harry all said at the same time,

"I agree" Liam looked down, then sighed.

"Fine, I guess we could try it. I'll tell her in the morning and we could see if she can come sometime around 5." I smiled at him, he is just trying to protect his baby sister, but deep down he knows he is doing the right thing. After that we all headed upstairs to go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

-Emily's POV

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!" I exclaimed jumping up and down. I ran over to Liam hugging him. He just told me I could invite my friend over tonight. I can't wait! I ran upstairs to go and change out of my Pajamas. I changed into my "Unstable" outfit . I walked back down stairs and into the kitchen. Nothing could spoil this mood. Liam was cooking again, so I sat down down. When the food was set in front of me I saw eggs, bacon, french toast, and hashbrowns. I also had a glass of OJ. I shoveled the food in my mouth and drank all my OJ. It was really good. Liam is a really good cook! I went into the living room and sat on the couch watching WWE. Liam said after we all ate he would let me call Lilly. After 10 excruciating minutes, Liam came in, typed in a password, then handed the phone back to me. I got up and went to my room. I clicked on Lilly's contact and it started ringing.

"Emily!" Lilly shouted. I laughed.

"Emily I was worried sick! If I hadn't heard from you by tonight, I would have called in backup. And by backup I mean the FBI or the CSI!" I know her too well. I laughed again.

"Lilly I'm fine and I'm sorry for disappearing. I was kinda kidnapped."

"Emily you were kidnapped! Then how are you talking to me and saying you are fine! Your parents are worried sick!"

"Their not my parents." I said quietly. I then went on and told her what happened, leaving out the One Direction part. I wanted that to be the surprise. We were both huge One D fans.

"OMG! I'm so sorry Emily!"

"It's fine, but I need you to promise not to tell ANYONE that I called you, or that you know where I am. I also want you to come over around 5ish. Just tell your parents you are going to the fair or something. The address is 5437 Jefferson st. Ok? I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone?" She agreed quickly and said she would be here. I hung up and looked at the clock, 11:56. Ugh! 5 is so far away! 


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