Tori has arrived

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-Tori's POV

I can't believe I'm going to PARIS! I packed all of my things really fast. I can't believe Emily is letting me do this. She is so nice! Unlike some people **Cough** **Cough** Danny **Cough** **Cough**. I looked at my email and saw that Emily sent me my plane ticket.

I got everything together and was on my way to the airport. New life, here I come!

-Liam's POV

After rehearsals, we went to our dressing room. Lily was there, except Emily wasn't there. Where'd she go?

"Hey where's Emily at?" I asked.

"Well, after you got on stage to rehearse, Emily got a call and disappeared. She came back in a rush and said she needed to go. She also told us to tell you she had to because something happened, but I don't know what has happened." She finished. Who had called her? I hope she's ok.

"There's not much we can do right now. We have a concert we have to get ready for." Louis said. He's right, but I just want to know if she's ok...

-Emily's POV

Right now I am changing because I wanted to bake some cupcakes so I did. The cupcakes look really good. Me, not so much. I had flour in my hair and all over me. Somehow I also got some egg yolk on my clothes.

Tori plane lands in about 7 hours. So I think I'm just going to sit down and watch some tv. I would go to the boy's concert, but by the time I get there, and try to go through security, it will be over, so I'll just wait for them here.

I turned on my T.V and started watching one of my favorite shows, Once Upon A Time. This show is my life now.

I heard the door open about 30 minutes into the 2 episode.

"Do you think she's okay? What if she's not here? Wha-"

"Liam! Shut up! All we have heard from you and Niall is 'What if this' and 'What if that'. Emily will be fine." I think Zayn said that. I guess they couldn't hear the tv in my room. I got up and walked to my door.

"Hey guys" I said once I opened my door.

"Emily!! Why did you leave? I was so worried!" Liam said.

"Geez Liam, you sound like my mother. I just had some things I needed to do. I'm sorry. I did tell someone I was leaving though."

"Do I smell cupcakes?" Niall said. Of course he would say that now.

"Yup. I made some cupcakes, but you can only have one! I need to save some for my guest, that I have to pick up in...about three and a half hours.

-Emily's POV

I'm at the airport right now waiting for Tori's plane to land. Lily is with me. I am so happy she is here and helping me. I don't know what I would do without Lily. Now I will have both my best friends here with me.

I look at the time and saw that her plane should land any minute now. I stand up and wait near her gate. I see people filling out, then I see the girl I was waiting for. Her hair was in the usual braid, and let's face it she looked like a mess. I wouldn't blame her though. After all she is pregnant.

"Toro!" I yell running to her. She sees me and runs to me.

"Em! I'm so happy to see you again! And I LOVE your hair!" I laughed a little.

"I'm happy to see you again too! So we should get your stuff and head to my place. I have to get you settled into your new room."

"Thank you Emily! You really didn't have to do all of this for me! I can't thank you enough."

"I'm just happy to help a friend." The truth is the reason I really wanted her to come was to help me. The boys will leave soon. Lily will probably have leave soon. Elizabeth and Rachel are going to go to college soon and then I would be all alone and I need someone or something to distract me so I don't do anything stupid. I'm still trying to get over my latest feelings.

We got all of her stuff and we walked to my car. We got in and I started to drive. As we drove Tori and Lily got to know each other some more. We arrived and we took everything out.

"So, I live on the top floor, so just follow me to the elevator." I led her to the elevator and got in. When the door opened, I led her to my apartment.

"There's only one door up here?"

"Oh yeah, my apartment is the only one on this floor." I said getting my keys out.

"That's so cool!" I opened my door and walked in.

"Your room is over there," I said pointing to her room, "and the mine is over there." Tori nodded her head.

"Emily is that you?" I heard Liam yell.

"Yeah, it's me!" I yell back. I see Liam and the boys come out of the kitchen, "Niall you better not have eaten all those cupcakes!"

"I didn't! I swear!" We all laugh.


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