Missing? Attempted escape?

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-Niall's POV

That was so cool! I thought as we came out of the haunted house. Too bad Emily didn't come in with us. I started to feel guilty leaving her alone. I walked to the place where we left Emily. She wasn't there. I looked around thinking she just went the games. I didn't see her. I turned to the boys who were waiting by the entrance as I was supposed to go get Emily.

"Where's Emily?" Liam asked nervously

"I don't know. She wasn't there." I started to panic. What if she's hurt? I looked at Liam he was panicking. Oh no.

"Ok, split up. Niall come with me, Zayn you go by yourself and Harry and Louis can go together." I shouldn't panic, she was probably just at a game or something. I walked with Liam. We looked everywhere! I am now starting to panic. What if something happened to her? I walked up to this group of girls and showed them a picture of her asking if they had seen her. They looked at the picture before nodding. Oh good some good news.

"Yeah we saw her. She was walking when some guy ran into her. They looked they knew each other. He then picked her up and said something to her. We were going to help her, but he had said that she had ran away he had to take her home. He didn't look like her dad though, he looked like her age." One girl said. Oh no! This is not good! Not good at all! I said a quick thanks to these girls and ran to Liam. He looked like he was going to cry and after this he was going to cry. His sister was just KIDNAPPED. How could he not.

"Liam," I said slowly "I asked a group of girls if she had seen her and they said some guy had took her. Liam, I think she has been kidnapped." With those words the tears I had tried to keep in, came spilling out.

-Liam's POV

"...Liam, I think she had been kidnapped." Niall started crying. This is all my fault! If I had stayed with her this would never have happened. I started to cry too as I called the other boys. I told them what happened and we all met at the car. Niall and I still crying. I still can't believe she was kidnapped.

-Emily's POV

I woke up tied to a bed. I started to panic. Where am I? The memories of yesterday came flooding back. Mark. Oh. My. God. This isn't happening again! I tried to get out of these ropes but failed. I saw the doorknob turn. I stopped struggling and froze. I was scared out of my mind. Mark came in and smiled. Oh how I have come to loath that smile.

"Well, well, look who's awake." I tried to move but the stupid ropes stopped me.

"No use in trying. You will never be able to escape. You have been very bad. Running away from your dear old parents. Tsk, tsk." He came closer and I saw that he had a belt in his hand. My eyes widened at the sight. I tried to scream but his big hand covered my mouth.

"No screaming! You already know this." I bit his hand and he hit me across the stomach. I cried as he hit me me again and again, until I couldn't feel it anymore. When we were dating, he would get super angry and just hit me. He would call me names and when I told my so called parents they didn't do anything. I don't even think they believed me no matter how many times I would come home bruised and broken. Honestly they loved Mark. Eventually the pain became to much to bare and I blacked out.

When I woke up this time, I wasn't tied down. I sat up, but immediately laid back down my stomach hurt so much. I looked down and saw red slashes. I tried to get back up again because I saw my phone. Dummy. I got it and turned it on. I saw so many missed calls and messages. I dialed Liam's number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Emily!" He sounded so worried. I started to cry softly.

"Liam! Help! I don't know where I am! My ex boyfriend kidnapped me! Liam I don't know how long I can hang on for, I am in so much pain. I just want you to know that I love you and the other boys. I have to go." I hung up before he said more. Mark still hadn't came in so I dialed 911.

"This is 911 what's your emergency."

"Help! I've been kidnapped and I think I have some broken ribs. My name is Emily Payne. Please help!" I cried.

"Ms. Please hold on. We have a team on the way. Ok." I heard the door open and saw Mark and... my parents!

"Hurry!" I yelled as Mark took the phone. "Please don't hurt me!" I cried. My mother came up and slapped me.

"How dare you run away!" I cried as everyone started to hit and kick me. My eyes closed and at that point, I hoped I was dead.

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