Rescues and bad news

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-Liam's POV

"...I love you and the other boys. I have to go." With that she hung up. Her voice was so small and she sounded broken. The other boys looked at me. We have been trying to find her for the past 3 weeks.

"Was that Emily?" I looked at Harry and nodded.

"What did she say?" Louis said.

"She said that she was kidnapped by her ex boyfriend and that she was in a lot of pain..." I started to cry. "She said that she doesn't know if she can hold on much longer, and that she loves us. She sounded so broken and alone! This is all my fault!" I cried.

-Zayn's POV

We all sat there stunned at what Liam just said. I can't believe this. He didn't deserve this. He just found his sister and now she might die. I looked at Niall and Liam. They have had the roughest time these past weeks. Niall won't eat anything and doesn't talk that much. His bubbly personality gone. I feel bad for him. I would feel like that too if I lost Perrie. I still can't believe it!

-Harry's POV

I looked at Niall. Poor Niall. He hasn't been eating lately. I feel really bad. Wait we can't just sit here, we have to do something.

-Louis' POV

Everyone is just sitting here. We have to help Emily, but we have no idea where she is. Oh gosh this is hopeless.

-Niall's POV

No, no, no! This can't be happening! Emily has to hold on! For me. For Liam. She can't leave me! I haven't even known her two months and I love her. My thoughts were interrupted by Liam's phone ringing again.

"Hello" He said answering. He abruptly stood up. What is going on?

"Oh my god! Really! You found her!. Ok we will be right there." They found her! Yay!

"Guys, that was the police station. They said that they found Emily! They said that she is at the hospital right now and that they need to tell us a few things." I jumped up and ran to the car as the boys followed.

We arrived shortly and I jumped out as soon as the car stopped. Liam right next to me. Inside the place was crawling with cops. I followed Liam to one of the cops.

"Excuse me, sir? I was wondering if you could tell us what happened to Emily Payne, she's my sister."

"Oh. Mr. Payne. I need to inform you that when we found her she was unconscious, on the bed. She was pretty beat up. I have to tell you, when she was found, she was not wearing any clothes. We didn't find anyone in the house or around the house. That means the people who did that to her are still out there. She is in surgery right now. I would ask the doctor what condition she was in when we brought her here. I'm sorry again Mr. Payne." I stood there, shocked. I really hope he didn't do what I think he did. Liam lead me to the doctor that waved him over. I hope she is ok.

"Mr. Payne, I would like to tell you that Emily is now out of surgery, and everything went as planned, but... Mr. Payne, could I talk to you in private?" What happened to Emily! Liam looked at me and I walked away. I hope everything is fine.

-Liam's POV

A watched as Niall walked away sadly. I knew this has been hard for him. I turned to the doctor.

"Ok, I know this will be hard, but your sister is...pregnant. She's about 3 weeks along, but with the damage to her body, we don't know if the pregnancy will survive very long." What?

"I'm sorry what?" I asked slowly. He smiled sadly. No, no, no!

"Would you like to see her?" I nodded. I needed to know what happened!

-Emily's POV

What's going on? Where am I? My throat hurt. Slowly I opened my eyes and the bright light hit me. Bits and pieces of the days before came back to me. I tried to sit up, but ut hurt to much. How did I get here? I put my hands to my face and cried. I felt a small touch on my shoulder. I flinched and backed away. I looked up to see Liam there looking hurt. He smiled at me but I just looked back down and moved away from him. I know it was mean, but after what happened I didn't want anyone to touch me.

"Emily?" I stayed motionless. "Emily, please talk to me!" I heard him sniffle. I felt really bad. Just as I was about to say something, I had this sick feeling. I leaned over and found the trash and puked in it.

"Are you ok Emily?" I shook my head and said

"I feel really sick, and my body hurts." My voice was soft and raspy. Liam looked away. He cleared his throat.

"Umm....Emily....I have s-something t-tell y-you." He said. He looked down and wouldn't look at me.

"'re pregnant."  


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