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-Emily's POV

I only can remember bits and pieces before I black out. The pain is unbearable. Blacking out is the only possible way to escape the pain. I don't need a doctor to know the baby is already gone. That was his goal. To destroy everything. My body hurts so much. I tried to get up. I wanted to scream in pain. But I had to get up and out of there. After struggling for a bit, I finally got to my feet and slowly walked to the door. I tried to open it but it was locked. I looked around and found a paper clip stuck in the carpent. I stuck it in the keyhole, I jiggled it a few times until I heard that click. Yes! I opened it slowly and looked around and saw no one. I quickly walked to the front door and opened it. I stepped out quickly and "ran" as fast as I could.

I had no idea where I was going, I just ran. I had no shoes and was in a hospital gown. I soon came to a cross in the road. I looked at the street sign and knew exactly where I was. I took a left. I walked for a little more. I couldn't feel my legs anymore, the only thing keeping me going was seeing the boys again. I could see the house in my sights before I collapsed and fell to the ground.

-Liam's POV

1 week. She has been gone another week. We have looked everywhere! Right now we are out looking again. Niall and I are looking in the park for any signs she was here. We got nothing. It was getting late so we had decided to go home. We got in the car, me driving, and we were off. Niall doesn't eat much anymore and he doesn't talk either. I can't blame him, it's not like I don't do the same thing. We start tour soon, but we can't just leave! I need to find Emily.

"Liam! Look!" Niall said. At first I was surprised because he hadn't talked in so long.

I carefully looked out the window and saw a familiar shape on the ground. I stopped the car and we ran out.




-Niall's POV.

Ugh! Why can't we find her! I need her. Without her I can't eat. Without her, I have nothing to live for. We had just left the park and were on our way home. I looked out the window the whole time. As we got closer to the house I saw someone lying on the ground. I knew that body anywhere. Emily!

"Liam! Look!" He seemed surprise at my sudden outburst, but he looked anyway. He had that glint in his eyes. He knew that was Emily too. He stopped the car and we got out. I ran to her and looked at her. I gasped. She had scars and bruises all over. Then I thought about the baby. Oh my god! The baby! Even though it was that evil, evil man's baby, it was also her's and the world needs more Emily. Liam picked her up and brought her to the car while I called his parents and the lads.

-Harry's POV

They found her! They found her! I'm so happy! She might not be my sister but I will always love like she is.

Emily's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. What is that noise? I felt both of my hands being held. I opened my eyes. The bright light at first blinded me, but I soon regained my sight back to see Niall holding my left hand sleeping. I smiled at him even though he was asleep.I turned to face my right and saw Liam there too. He was also sleeping. I leaned over and kissed his head and then layed back down, squeezing Niall's hand. They both stirred and eventually their eyes opened. I smiled at both of them.

"Emily! Oh my god! I missed you so much!" Liam said hugging me. He had tears in his eyes.

"How long was I gone?" The two boys looked at each other and Liam said,

"1 week but you have been asleep for about 3 days." Oh. That was all I could say.

"Ummm.... Emily....we need" Niall said slowly. What is happening? I nodded.

"Emily, the baby is gone. The doctor said you had to much damage your stomach region and that the baby had umm...died." Liam said the last part quietly. Of course I already knew it was gone. No tears would fall.  It's hard to miss something that was barely there.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Well, the boys are in the cafeteria and the girls are outside. They are probably asleep. None of us have slept much." I nodded. I felt kinda happy, knowing they care.

"Also Em, and dad and the rest of the family is here." He scratched the back of his neck. I smiled. They came! For me?!

"Can I meet them?" He nodded and left getting the family, leaving me with Niall. I looked at him. I missed him so much.

"I missed you so much Niall!" He looked at me and smiled.

"I missed you too!" I leaned in and kissed him. I pulled back when I heard movement outside the door. He smiled at me even more. His smile is so cute. I think I love him. I pushed the thought away as the door opened, revealing a middle aged woman with blondish hair and brown eyes. that were bloodshot from crying. She was short about 5 foot 2. Following her was an older looking man. He had brown hair that was cut short and he also had a mustache. He was started to gray, so I guessed he was probably in his mid fifties. He was slightly taller than the lady before him, about 5 foot 4. Some others came in after that. I felt Niall get up to leave and I looked at him with pleading eyes. He bent down and whispered

"I will be right outside, this is your family. You can trust them. If you need me just yell. Ok?" I nodded and he smiled as he left. Liam came back in and introduced everyone. My mom just stood there, tears in her eyes.

"It's really you." She whispered. I nodded and she ran up to me, engulfing me in a huge hug. I laughed.

"Yeah, it's me." She laughed and sat down by my bed.

"When you were kidnapped, I was devastated. We looked forever. Every time we had a lead on you, you disappeared. It was so hard. Now here you are, 17 years old and we missed your whole life." She said sadly. I then remembered that my 'parents' had helped Mark beat me all those weeks. I looked down sadly.

"You will always be my parents, my real parents. My other ones did this to me." I said gesturing to my body that was covered in bruises, scratches, and cuts that were healing. She gasped.

"They did this?!" I nodded and added,

"Yeah, and my ex. Although he had done this before." I sighed remembering the time he would hit me.

-Liam's POV

"Yeah, and my ex. Although he had done this before." Emily sighed. Anger flooded through me. How could her own parents do that to her, and she has been through this before?!? I couldn't stand the thought of this happening before. Why didn't she tell anyone? I looked at her and stood up. I couldn't take this. I needed air. NOW! I walked out of the room and past Niall. He looked at me strangely before noticing I needed to be alone right now.

I walked into the lobby and out the steel doors. It was about 5:00 in the evening so it wasn't quite dark outside yet. I sat on the steps and didn't notice the few tears that escaped. I stood up and went to the car. I drove to the mall silently. I knew what I wanted to get. I wanted to by Emily a new outfit, even though she already has plenty, I want to get her something to take her mind off of things, and she LOVES getting new clothes. I swear, she is such a girl sometimes. Haha.

I walked in and put my hoodie up. I walked around a few stores, until I found the perfect outfit. It was a cute country outfit and I decided to get some sun glasses with that.

I walked to the checkout counter and as I was paying, when the girl at the counter recognized me. She screamed attracting stares.

"You're Liam Payne!" She said quieter. "Wait. Why are you buying girl clothes? Do you have a girlfriend?!" I froze. I couldn't tell her about Emily. Could I?

"Umm, no, it's for my little sister." She looked at me confused

"Liam, you have a little sister?!" I nodded. She looked so shocked.

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone! Please!" She nodded. I thanked her and left. As I walked though, I realized a group of girls were staring at me. I risked a glance and that set of the girls like wild animals. I ran my heart out all the way to the entrance. I can't wait to give this to Em.


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