Happy again?

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-Liam's POV

            He walked in her room and walked out with her in her arms with a little smile on her face. We followed them out the door, I made sure to lock after everyone walked out. We followed them all the way to this little café and we walked it.

            "EMILY!!!" Two girls yelled as they saw her. I'm going to guess that she has been here before.

             "We miss you so much, like it's not even a joke, it's so boring without you here." Ok so did she come here often?

              "She's right, why don't you see if you could get your job back?" Oh so she worked here. That makes so much sense now.

                "Sorry, but no. I just came for some food and so you can meet these boys." Emily told them.

              "Oh sorry, my name is Rachel and this is Elizabeth." The one with brown hair and glasses said.

              "Hi! I'm Niall!" I noticed he was still holding Emily.


             "LOUIS, IT'S A PLEASURE LADIES!" Louis yelled. Literally. He yelled it.


              "And I'm Liam. It's great to meet you." I said shaking their hands.

              "Great to meet you too." Elizabeth said. We all sat down while Rachel took our order. Ring. Ring. Ring. My phone started to ring.


               "Liam! You guys were supposed to be here 1 hour ago for rehearsal! Where are you! I've checked your hotel rooms and everything! Where have you boys been doing these past few days?" Paul said. Whoops. I totally forgot about the rehearsal.

                "Well you see we kind of found Emily and we have been going to her apartment. Right now we are at a café, but we will be there as soon as we can. I'm so sorry we forgot. "

               "Oh you found her? Well anyways hurry and get over here, you have a concert in 5 hours." Then he hung up. Everyone was looking at me.

                "We had rehearsal an hour ago and now Paul is really mad so now we have to get over there." I said before continuing, "Emily would you like to come with us or stay in bed?" I asked her.

    "I'll go. As long as they can come to so I have some people to talk to while you are rehearsing and performing." She answered pointing to Lily. I nodded and we went and paid for everything and got it to go.

We arrived at the stadium soon and we all got out quickly. There were screaming girls already outside, so we had to make a run for it.

    Emily was running too slow, so Niall picked her up, swung her over his shoulder, and started running with her. She kept screaming and laughing at the same time, which made it hilarious to watch.

    We walked inside and was immediately ambushed by Paul and a bunch of other people.

"Come on guys, you have to get going. Hey Emily, nice to see you again." Paul said. We were led to the stage and Emily and the girls went to our dressing room. Just before going on to rehearse, I saw Emily answer her phone and walked away from Lily. I wonder who it was.

-Emily's POV

    My phone started to ring and for the first time in a few weeks, I answered.


    "Finally! I've called you like a million times! Now that you have FINALLY answered, I have something to tell you." Tori said. It sounded like she was crying, but I couldn't tell.

    "Sorry! I just didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment! What's the news?"

           "I'm well, pregnant! " she sobbed What?

            "What I'm sorry. What did you say?!" She just continued to sob. She's pregnant....

             "Tori calm down. Everything will be alright. Where are you?"

           "New York."

           "Ok well I'm getting you a plane ticket and flying you over here. Got it?"

           "Ok but where is over here?" Oh yeah, I never told her.


          "PARIS! YOU'VE BEEN IN PARIS THIS WHOLE TIME!?!" She yelled.

          "Yup. Now I'm am buying you a plane ticket right now. I have to go now. See you soon Tori. Be careful. Bye."

           "Bye Emily and thanks you so much." Then we hung up. I can't believe it. I shook my head and quickly booked a flight that takes off in a few hours. I emailed it to Tori.

         I found Lily in the dressing room.

         "I have to go back to my apartment. Sorry, just tell the boys I needed to because something has happened and I needed to go home. See you later." I told her as soon as I walked in.

           "Wait, wh-" I was already on my way out. I needed to get the apartment ready. I got a taxi and told him my address.

           "Do you know who's performing in that stadium tonight?" He asked.

           "Yes I do. My brother, boyfriend, and other friends." I say coolly. He looked shocked.

           "You're Emily Payne!" I was still trying to understand that accent. "I watched that interview when Liam and Niall went off in everyone. I thought it was hilarious." I laughed a little too. We arrived in front of my apartment. I payed and thanked him. I walked into the lobby, to the elevator and I pressed the top floor button.

          I walked to my door and unlocked it. I walked into the guest room, Tori can use this room. After, I went to the kitchen and I found that there was nothing to eat. Niall!

           I decided to go to the store, so I grabbed some money, my bag, and my phone and walked out, locked the door. I walked to the elevator and went to the lobby.

           I got into my car and drove to the store and walked in. I walked down all the isles and grabbed a bunch of different food. I'll have Niall there for who knows how long and then I'll have a pregnant girl with me, so I'll need a lot of food.

            After I finished shopping, I payed for all the goods and put them in the back of my car. I drove home and carried everything into my apartment.

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