Chapter 22

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It has been three  days after Michael spoke to me about going out on dates. Three days since that conversation triggered a panic attack. Though I did not tell him the cause.

I can't help to think about the bad once again. Will they be there wherever we will be? Are they calculating my every move? Do they know that I told Shaylene about it even though it was not the full story?

I watch the girl in the mirror, how her once relaxed face turns to one of distress.

"Cassy?" I heard a knock on the door. "Are you coming out anytime soon?"

It was Shaylene.

"Yeah. Just a minute" I replied.

"You need to hurry up. We still got to get your hair curled and everything. You and I both know that hair doesn't take about thirty minutes as people always set it out to be"

I heard her walk away from the door. I stared at my reflection one more time and then gathered my belongings and left the bathroom.

On my bed was a few dresses sprawled out. Red. Sea green. Blue. Pink. White. It seems to me that Shaylene and Michael discussed us going out, before. It has to be that, because how else would she know to buy dresses?

Thankfully, the weather is playing its part today. It is sunny outside, but not too hot, just right.

Shaylene entered the room and went straight to the dresses. "This one?" She held up the red dress.

I wrinkled my nose. "Red is for prostitutes" I stated.

"Prostitutes?" She questioned in disbelief. "Red is for the bold. It shows confidence. How about the pink?"

"Are you serious? I hate pink."

"Oh my word... Sounds like the pregnancy mood swings are taking over!" She sighed dramatically and said, " White then?"

I gave her the 'you got to be kidding me" look. "White gets dirty to easily."

"It's not like you and Michael will be rolling around on the ground." She rolled her eyes. "Sea green?"

"Oh goodness no! Woman that's too revealing. I am not planning on seducing anyone" I gasped.

"Who said anything about seducing people? Unless... Unless you are planning to" She taunted with a sly grin.

"What? No!" I exclaimed. "I am innocent. Innocent people does not do such stuff" I frowned and folded my arms over my chest. "Besides only person I can think of me seducing is Michael"

Shaylene's eyes widened and then a full blown grin made its way to her lips.

"I'd like that" I heard someone whisper in my ear. He pulled me to him, my back pressed against his chest.


He did not just hear me say that.

I squealed and jumped away from him. I heard him and Shaylene laugh at my expression. I was turning redder by the second. To say I was embarrassed would be putting it lightly.

"Why didn't you tell me he was behind me?" I narrowed my eyes at Shaylene. The only response I got was another round of laughter.

"Now where's the fun in that, sweetheart?" Michael asked. A goofy grin still on his face.

I couldn't bring myself to look at Michael. The embarrassment was too great.

I can't believe he caught me saying something like that. It's nothing bad though. Right?

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