Chapter one

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Copyright ©2014 Silenced_Heart



Dedicated to the lovely @BrokenStarss for The beautiful cover.thank you so much gal!

Happy reading :-)

oh and people don.t be afraid to comment as if you life depended on it. I love reading your comments :-)

Chapter on

Sitting on the damp forest bed, I hugged my knees to my chest, trying to block out the coldness of the night air. I stared at my reflection in the long forgotten pond, picked up a small rock and threw it at the face I saw staring back at me, causing it to distort in anger. I stood up and made my way over to the abandoned shack, situated on the far left side of the pond. I entered the cold and lonely place I now call my home, and dragged my aching feet to the pile of clothes I put in the corner as a bed. I lay down, curling myself into a ball ,to keep warm. I would've dressed in something warmer, but this is the cleanest outfit I have, I only packed a few items in my bag when I ran away from home. Many say it is a cowardly thing to do, to run away from your problems, I have no better way to deal with it.

It has been two weeks since I ran from home, two weeks since he last put his drunken hands on me, two weeks since he allowed them to hurt me this badly. I knew my father hated me, but this? Honestly, what type of sick father would do this, saying it is to teach his daughter a lesson? Did I really do something so upsetting to make him take things this far, to make him ruin me like this? I always done what he asked of me, trying to be the best daughter for him, no matter the treatment I'll receive in return. When he would come home from work, his food would be warm and ready, just waiting at the table for him. His clothes were always washed and ironed, or packed neatly. The house was always kept tidy, awaiting his visitors. Whatever was asked of me was done immediately. I was like his personal slave, but never complained, so where did I go wrong? Maybe it was my fault. Maybe I asked for it to happen, but how? I really don't understand!

I hadn't even noticed that I was crying until I felt the dampness on the pillow. Angrily, I wiped the tears away and turned the other way, facing the rotting wall. Though, I can't go back home, I can't help but wish to be in my warm and comfortable bed, instead of on this hard, filthy clothes. Being lost in my thoughts, I had not heard the screeching sound of the door opening. I sat up in fear, watching the door like a hawk. What if it is my father, had he come back to teach me another lesson for running away? I shook that thought out of my head, knowing that he would not waste his time searching for a sorry excuse daughter like me. As a figure came into view, I moved back in fear. I stared wide eyed at the stranger standing before me. Her straight bleach blonde, a contrast to my horribly tangled black hair. She let out a low gasp when she saw me. She took a cautious step in my direction to have a closer look at me. I probably look like some wild animal, with my dirty appearance. She reached out her hand to touch me, but pulled back when she saw me flinching. "Hey now, I won't hurt you", she said, giving me a soft smile. Her smile made me feel a bit calm, but my guard went up again when images of the people who hurt me while smiling, flooded my mind. "Sorry for intruding. I didn't know that someone actually lives here, that is why I just walked in", she added, looking around the shack.

"I-it's okay" I stuttered, surprising myself by talking to this stranger, and offered her a tight smile. "Wait! S-sorry ...d-do you have a-anything for me to eat?" I managed to choke out when she turned to leave. I hung my head down low in shame, letting go of the last pride I still had in me, when I asked her that question. Pride, what pride? All my pride was broken when it happened, the only things I now feel for myself is; disgust and shame.

She turned around facing me, and told me to follow her, and so I did, with uncertain footsteps. The deafening silence pierced my ears as we walked, both not knowing what to say. We walked for about twenty minutes, till we reached our destination. Entering a white two story house, I looked around, seeing everything is well organised and beautifully decorated, making me instantly feel out of place. "Welcome to my home. Come on, I'll show you to the bathroom, you can freshen up, while I cook something for us", she said, leading me to the bathroom. She filled the bathtub halfway and threw lavender bubble bath in, then left to fetch me clean clothes. I waited for her to come back with the clothes, when she did; I undressed and got into the tub. The hot water put my sore and aching muscles at ease, making my whole body relax. After relaxing for a few minutes, I decided to wash myself clean from all the traces of dirt. Even after I was washed, I still scrubbed my skin, not caring about the burning sensation it's leaving behind, but only wanting to get the dirty feeling of their hands off of me. Tears pricked at my eyes, as the painful images flooded my mind. I couldn't hold back anymore, so I let the tears fall freely, allowing myself to cry silently in pain and anger.

A soft knock came from the door, followed by the voice of the stranger who let me into her house, asking if I'm okay, and if I will be done anytime soon. I got out of the bath, dried myself and got dress in the clean clothes she brought me. I stared at the girl in the mirror, mocking me, mimicking everything I do. Her wet hair hanging down her back in messy black curls. Her forehead creased. Her eyes, chocolate swirls, only showing the emotions of hurt and betrayal. Her pink full lips pulled pressed in a straight line. I moved away from the mirror, cleaned up, then exited the bathroom. I followed the heavenly aroma of cooked food, and was lead directly to the kitchen, where the stranger stood with her back facing me. I stood in the doorway, not knowing what to do, or what to say, but the loud grumbling of my hungry stomach made my presence known. "Oh, here you are! I was just about to call you for dinner" She exclaimed. She motioned for me to have a seat on the bar stool, at the kitchen counter. She sat a steaming hot plate of pasta before me, making my stomach grumble again, in return. I hung my head to hide the blush of embarrassment, she only laughed at this gesture. We ate in silence, but when we were done, she asked, "So, what's your name?"

"I'm Cassidy... Cassidy Blake", I replied.

"My name is Shaylene Moodliar. It is a pleasure to meet you", she introduced herself, giving me a toothy grin. Her grin was contagious, so I found myself smiling back, not a fake smile, but a real one.

"Do you live alone in this huge house?" I asked, curiously, looking around.

"No, another person lives here now", she said. I gave her a questioning look, and then she added, "You live here now".

Hearing this, I almost fell off the stool. "W-what do you m-mean?", I stuttered, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Cassidy, you heard me, so I'm not going to repeat myself" she said getting up, taking our plates to the sink.

"But why? You don't even know me. I could be some stalker, or even worse, a murderer!" I said, gapping at the woman sitting before me.

"I know that you not any of those two. Besides, I can't let you stay in that dump, and all alone? Definitely not safe! Another thing, you looked so out of place in there, like you not use to such circumstances... So, you are staying here. End of story", she finished, leaving no room for objection. I can't help but wonder if this is out of pity, or just out of friendliness.

We made small talk, just getting to know each other. The more we talked, the more comfortable I became around her. It was obvious that she doesn't want to hurt me, so I let her in, but didn't tell her my story, too I'm afraid of the fact she would think less of me, I don't want to be judged.


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