Chapter Nine

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"Wow Maya why haven't you told Shawn about this?"
"It's a part of my life that I don't wanna relive okay"
" Well Shawn needs to know, you know about Tristan."
" I know, but it's just so painful to talk about, he put me through hell."
" Maya you have to tell Shawn." Melissa said shaking her head
"I know lissa but what's going on with you and T.J."
" I don't know i just need time to think."
"So you're not taking him back?"
" I don't know yet, but i want to give him another chance, he's my my first love but this Alyssa shit got me stuck."
" Yea that was foul but least he didn't get her pregnant"
"Oh i didn't tell yall, she sent some sonogram pictures to me saying tell our man need to check on his main and his baby"
"Oh hell nawl, lemme beat her ass" Mo'nique said jumping up out her chair
"Be my guest" Melissa was cracking up
" Ima text T.J ass to handle that hoe." Mo'nique said grabbing her phone
"Do you think that's his baby?"
"I don't think so, she has slept with half the dudes on campus"
"Damn right" the girls said cracking up
Meanwhile the guys were still drinking when T.J recieved a text from Mo'nique.
" Man this chick gon be the death of me" he said downing his fourth drink
"What happened?"
"Mo'nique just hit me up saying Aylssa sent Melissa sonogram pictures saying our man need to take care of his main and his baby"
"Bruh you betta handle that shit for you lose wifey for good"
"And you need to tell Stacy."
" I know, I know man"
"Well ima bout to bounce to handle this Alyssa situation" T.j said getting up from his seat to leave.
" Alright we'll holla at you later on bro." Shawn said as they all gave hugs goodbye
T.J texted Alyssa and Melissa to meet up with him at his house.
Back at Kamaya house
"Y'all T.j just texted me saying met him at his house, Should I go?" Melissa asked
"Yes to find out why that ho texting you" mo'nique said
" I agree with Mo' on this but don't stress yourself" Kamaya said
" I'll even come for back up" Mo'nique said as everyone busted out laughing
" Mo why you always trying to fight?" Stacy asked
"  Well somebody gotta go Kamaya not trying to go and Melissa pregnant and so is you Stacy what can you do?" Mo'nique said
" She does have a point tho" Melissa said
"And y'all say ima the one that loves to fight" Kamaya said laughing
"Well Maya ima about to call it a night see you guys tomorrow" Stacy said getting up and grabbing her stuff.
" Alright bye love you be safe" the girls said before she walked out the door.
"Love you guys too"
" Well come on Mo' since Maya not gonna come with me"
" Sorry I have to wait for hubby love you guys" Kamaya said as she walked them to the door.
Meanwhile Melissa and Monique was leaving Kamaya house,the guys was walking out the bar saying there goodbyes before going their separate ways. As the guys was leaving the bar T.j nervously paced back and forth til Alyssa and Melissa to come over to talk. Few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Tj answered the door for annoyed Melissa and angry Monique.
" You just gonna stand there or let us in?"
" 'Lissa why she here?"
" She came as my body guard" Melissa said as she shrugged her shoulders before taking a seat on the couch.
After Melissa and Monique sat down there was another knock on the door.
Tj opened the door for awaiting Alyssa.
" What do you want I don't have all day" Alyssa said
" Bitch wait til he get a word out, so bring yo scary ass in and have a fucking seat" Monique snapped.
"Nobody was talking to yo ugly ass." Alyssa said
" Well bitch ima talking to you"
" Mo chill for I call Brandon"
" Call Brandon I'll call him myself"
" Mo chill"
"  Fine but that ho better not say shit to me"
"Ho who you calling a ho"
"You, you homewrecking ho"
" Will y'all shut up and let me talk" Tj said growing fed up with the back and forth." Any way I called y'all over here to clear some shit up"
"Alyssa we is not together and will never be get that through your head and that is not my child like I told you before you better go find yo baby daddy."
" oh its not okay"
"And you owe melissa an apology for that bullshit ass text."
"Why cause we are going to be together for our child"
" Look its useless for us to be here if you just gonna fight about a damn child that's not here and that we all for sure that might not be his" Melissa said growing angry
" Bitch this is his baby and his is gonna take care of it whether you like it or not" Alyssa yelled back
" Fuck this Tj don't call me unless has to do with our child, lets go Mo this was a waste of my fucking time"Melissa said as her and Mo'nique got up and leaving out the door.
" Damn GET OUT DON'T CALL ME OR TEXT ME LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" Tj yelled at Alyssa " you can let yourself out" tj told Alyssa.
Alyssa walked out his house slamming the door closed as tj went and locked it.
Meanwhile tj was thinking of how to get back on good terms with Melissa, Shawn arrived home to a zoned out Kamaya
"Hey baby how was girls night?" Shawn asked an received no response "Bae are you okay?" Shawn asked
" Bae I have to talk to you about my past?"
"What's up what you got to tell me?"
" you remember my ex Tyler"
" yea what about him?"
" I didn't tell you everything"
"Well tell me then" Shawn said as Kamaya explain everything to Shawn.
"Wow why didn't you tell me this before?"
" Because I didn't want to relive that moment of my life again"
" Well don't worry I'll protect you now let's go to bed"
" alright"
Shawn was headed home from football practice that ran a little late. After he took a thirty minute shower, went to his room and got dressed.
" Ay Ma I'm going to see Tristan"
" Okay just be home before dinner"
" Yes ma'am"
After leaving the house he drove the twenty minute drive to get to Tristan house. Once he was there he seen the door still open which was unusual for Tristan. He walked into the house.
" Tristan" He called got no response." Tristan" he called again as he got to her room when he seen her she was high off herion and wasn't responding well he call 9-1-1 to get her medical attention.
After she was taken an admitted to hospital.
Shawn went to visit her in the hospital.
"Look tristan we need to talk?" Shawn said sternly
"What you mean about this, I can't do this after I graduate ima moving to Atlanta"
" what you breaking up with me because ima on drugs"
"Yes cause you wasn't being honesty about the last time I asked was you on drugs what did you say?"
"I said no but it wasn't a complete lie"
" Go get help tristan cause obviously I can't help you" Shawn said as he walked out of her hospital room.
                            ~ End of Dream ~

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