Chapter Eighteen

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Later that night, Monique got a call from Brandon.
"What the fuck do he want" She thought to herself.
She answered the phone "What Brandon? What is that you want for you be calling me?"
"I want you back" Brandon said
"Why would I take you back after all the bullshit lies you put me and one of my best friends through?"
"I'm sorry" Brandon pleaded
"Sorry for what? Making me think that we have a future together when you already had fucking wife" Monique said, "Brandon get off my damn phone lose my fucking number" Monique said as she went to study for her test next week. After an hour and half studying Monique went to fix her something to eat. After a few minutes of eating the sandwich she made she had to throw up. She went to the bathroom and began vomiting.
"Maybe it was the lasagna from earlier she ate" She thought then it came to her just a little over a month she and Brandon had been having unprotected sex.
"No I can't be not by him not by him" Monique began to cry.
Once she got herself cleaned up, she went looking through the bathroom cabinets until she found a pregnancy test she bought. She took the test and wait for five minutes for the results which was positive.
"Why did I have to get pregnant by him now?" Monique asked herself "I'll just get rid of it" She thought "But you against abortions, then again I could give him or her up for adoption" For the next hour she contempt her options. She decided to call her friends for an emergency talk. Meanwhile she was calling her friends Brandon was drowning his sorrows in whiskey. After he finished his drink, he grabbed his jacket and went to the parking lot. As he was fumbling with his keys, Tristan walked up to him and shot him in the back.

In the middle of her call with friends, the police were knocking her door.
"Hold on guys" Monique said as she went to answer the door. "Who is it?"
"The police" Officer Diaz said
"How may I help you officers?" Monique asked as she opened the door for them to come in.
"I need you to come with us"
"What is this about?"
"Do you know a Brandon Davison?"
"Yes he's my ex-boyfriend, why is he hurt?"
"He was shot this evening"
"He was what? By who?"
"We was hoping you help us that?" Office Gerald said, "Where were around 7:15 tonight?"
" I was here on the phone with my friends"
"Do you anyone that would want to harm him?"
"Probably his wife?"
"Mrs. Davison the one that sent us to you she said that you knew he had a wife and that you want revenge for him choosing his wife over you"
"That bitch is a lie, I just founded out he had a wife and she turned out to be my best friend's fiancé ex-girlfriend" Monique said "Would you like to talk to them? They at Southern Catholic Hospital"
"What are they names we can go visit them?"
"Shawn Thompson and Kamaya Lewis"
"Thank you Ms. Smith for your cooperation with us?"
"Will I be able to go see him? What hospital is at?"
"He is at St. Mary's hospital"
"Thank you so much" Monique said as let them out.
Once she returned to the phone, she told Kamaya that the police would be there to talk to her and Shawn. Once she ended her call, she took a shower and dressed to go see about her child's father. After arriving at the hospital, she went to the nursing station desk to see what room he was in.
"Excuse me ma'am Can you tell me what room Brandon Davison is in?"
"Ma'am he is still in surgery, you can have a seat in the waiting room" The nurse response.

After sitting in the waiting room for nearly two hours, the doctor finally came out of the surgery area.
"Family of Brandon Davison?" He asked
"Here" Monique said, "what's going on?"
"The surgery was successful he should be fine" the doctor said
"Can I see him?" Monique asked
"Yes but he is still out it from the surgery" The doctor said

"Thank you doctor thank you, what room is he in?"
"He's in 310 on the third floor" he told her
After he gave her Brandon's room number, she took the elevator up. Once she was in his room she broke down crying like a baby.

"Brandon who did this to you? Baby I got some news, I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do but I'm pregnant Brandon" Monique cried, "I'm pregnant with your child I just found out tonight, I'm still pissed off with you for all the bullshit you put me through, but I wouldn't wish this on you" Monique cried hard.
She cried until she went to sleep in the chair next to his bed.

The next morning Brandon woke up with Monique sleep by his side.
"Mo' Mo' wake up" Brandon said
"Hmm" Monique said as she was rubbing her eyes. "Brandon are you okay?"
"I'm fine but why are you here? I thought you hate me" Brandon asked
"I can't hate you, I'm still pissed but I don't hate you" Monique said, "But I have news for you"
"What kind of news?"
"Brandon I'm pregnant"
"your what?"
"I'm pregnant as much as I wish I wasn't, but I am"
"You keeping it right?"
"I haven't decide if I want an abortion or give it up for adoption"
"You are not doing neither" Brandon said as he sat up on the bed.
"Brandon this my got damn body I will do what I feel is necessary for me."
"And what about me? What about my choice in the matter?"
"You gave up that choice with Mr. Davison, I just thought my child father should know" Monique said as she got up to use the bathroom.
"Mo' my divorce was final yesterday that's why I called" Brandon said
after she used the bathroom, she was thinking to herself.
"Maybe we can be a family" Monique thought, "But how would that work with all our friends hating him?"

She walked out the bathroom just as the doctors came in to do their test.
"Hello Mr. Davison, my name Dr. Robinson, how are you feeling?"
"I'm fine"
"Well I'm going to conduct some test to make sure you are not paralyzed" The doctor said as he took his pin and ran it up and down each one of his foot.
"Can you feel that?" the doctor asked
"Yes" Brandon answered as Monique took a seat next to the bed.
"Well we were able to remove the bullet without causing any major damage to any nerves" The doctor said, "But the police are here to talk to you?" The doctor said as the nurse let them in.
"Good morning Mr. Davison"
"Good morning, what can I help you fellas with this morning?"
"Do you know any one that would like to cause harm you?"
"No but then again it could be my bitter ex-wife Tristan" Brandon said
"Do you know her motivative to harm you?
"She is jealous of her ex-boyfriend Shawn Thompson moved on from her to his new fiancée, she had this elaborate plan to get back at him for that but it cost me my relationship with this woman here, she found out that I was married to her after I told her that I wanted a divorce and everything got exposed to Shawn and his fiancée about it and I put their family endanger because of it."
"Can you prove this?"
"I have all the text messages in cell phone" Brandon said
"Well we going have to take your phone to the lab to get all the evidence from it"
"Are you willing to testify against your ex-wife?"
"If that what it takes to get my friends and hopefully my girlfriend back then yes" Brandon said looking at Monique.

One month later

Within the next month Brandon and Monique been going back and forth to court testifying against Tristan. Who is being charged with attempted murder. Today was her sentencing day.
"All arise for the judge Manning"
After the judge was seated, everyone took their seats again.
"Has the jury came to a verdict?" The judge asked
"Yes your honor, we fine the defendant guilty of first degree of attempting murder."
"Do the defendant have any last words before sentencing began?"
"No your honor"
"Well then I hereby sentence Tristan Alena Gregory-Davison to ten years in prison" The judge said
As he banged his grovel "Court dismissed"

As they walked out the court room Brandon turn to Monique and asked her if she want to get lunch.
"Yea cause me and this baby here is hungry" Monique told him
As they left they went a nearby restaurant, after being seated the waiter came over to take their drink orders.
"I'll have an iced lemonade"
"I'll have a sprite"
After the waiter walked off
"Babe Thank you for being her for me through all of this" Brandon told her
"Your welcome "
"Thank you for keeping our first child"
"That was a real debate on that" Monique said, "But I'm glad that I'm keeping him or her"
"Well Monique Elena French will you do me the honor of becoming my wife" Brandon asked he got down on one knee.
"Yes Yes I will marry you"

Everyone in the restaurant were cheering and congratulating them on their engagement.

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