Chapter five: Starting a dance.

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Upon unleashing his power, Goku relaxed. With his power flowing, his mind clear, and his muscles aching for a good fight. He pulled out the scouter that was used for communication only. "Hmm...Krillin...Yamcha...Yajirobe...Korin...Oh! How about Trunks?" And so he called.

Trunks: "Hello?" 

Goku: "Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to spar a bit. Do you want to?" 

Trunks: "Uhh..Sure. I need to take my mind off something." 

Goku: "Is it about Bulma?" 

Trunks: "Yeah."

And so they talked. Eventually Goku forgot about training and and visited with him. They talked and talked. Going from one thing, to another. Then the topic of if Gohan beat Cell, and had not sacrificed himself.

Upon hearing the doors open, Zangya entered her quarters. "Damn...Four weeks of this...Empty space." She said, flopping on her bed. Four weeks of nothing. "Zangya, you have a message." The computer's intercom cracked. "Send it to my Personal Messenger." She called back. "Affirmative." It replied. A seven note tone rang out from a Model 47 Mark III Aktoryama earpiece. ('Model 47 Mark III' Is supposed to be a Iron Man© joke, along with 'Aktoryama' which is a pun on Akira Toryama. No harm was intended on these jokes.) Zangya picked up the piece and put it on. "Display message." She said. A little HUD popped up and displayed the message. It read:


If your reading this message, then you're probably alive. Look, I'm sorry for not being able to save you, and I want to make it up to you. Fortune Teller Baba has agreed to let me live for two days, in exchange for more work here. However, this will not go through unless you agree to this. 


Zangya smiled, admiring the boy's bravery. She tossed the communicator on her bed and thought about the deal Gohan was trying to make. "Work for a measly date? That is a stupid idea, but its his life. Er...Afterlife." She thought out loud. "But I could really use a little guy ti-...Why am I thinking like this? I'm a cold, hardened, veteran-of-war. But then again..." She pondered. "Alright, fine. I'll let him live AND have a date." She selected 'Reply' and then wrote back, allowing Gohan to live.

Bardock somehow coaxed 18 into going to the nearby bar. A couple drinks later, and Bardock was drunk as a alcoholic, and 18 not even a sign of drunkenness. Bardock stumbled to Gohan. "He-he. Hey Gohan. I'm going to be with the chick for a bit. Take the scouter in case you need anything. OK, buddy?" He said, a heavy smell of Coors light alcohol on his breath. "Uh...OK." Gohan replied plainly. Bardock stumbled to 18 and carried her to their little Cabana. Gohan sighed. The scouter beeped, saying it received a message. Gohan put on the scouter. He opened the message.


For your stupidity and bravery, I'll let you live for two days. However, I'm putting you on a trial. If you put up to my expectations, I'll resurrect you. But I'll only do it if you meet my expectations. I'll see you later, Golden Warrior.

Gohan smiled. "FORTUNE TELLER BABA!" He yelled. Soon a old lady sitting on a crystal ball came flying in. "Yes, Gohan?" She said. "Zangya has agreed to let me live for two days, but I'd I impress her, I can stay alive." Baba smiled. "That's good. I'll tell your father and everyone else."Really?!" Gohan said, shocked. Baba nodded. "That's really nice" "But what child? Speak up, boy. Speak up." She said, whimsically. "If you tell everyone, then wouldn't that trigger a search party?" He retorted. "Hmm...Your right...That would cause a search. How about you live and we keep it airtight? About the part of you living." Gohan thought. "Alright. Its a deal." She nodded and then Gohan's Halo disappeared. He felt light then disappeared. He recovered right next to Zangya's room, who, was showering. "Hello?" He called out, hoping she wouldn't be listening. He quietly prowled the room. "She isn't going to like this..." He thought somewhat quietly. The sound of running water shut off, and Gohan ducked under what would be a couch. Lowering his Ki drastically, and breathing shallowly, he conceals himself. A sound of a door opening and footsteps. He feels his heart beat faster, his muscles tense, and his breathing become more shallower. Humming and combing are easily heard. Gohan wished she went outside to get something, but she didn't. He concentrated on trying to use Telekinesis, but was too distracted by the sight of Zangya. The slender curves of her small frame, the way her hair flowed, the firm but ample curve of her breasts, Gohan was mesmerized. His hormones were kicking in and he wanted her...bad. "There's no use in hiding. I've already spotted you. So you can come out now." Zangya said aloud. Gohan shuddered. "Are you sure? I mean, you're naked." Zangya laughed. Gohan crawled out. As he dusted himself off, Zangya turned herself to him and got close. Extremely close. (I'd say about a inch or two between their noses.) "And..." She started. "If you exceed my expectations, you'll get my body. You can play with me all you want. IF you can exceed my expectations." Gohan blushed. She leaned in and barely touched her lips with his. She stopped for a moment then softly and slowly kissed him, closing her eyes. Gohan was shocked. slowly, relief washed over him and relaxed. Slowly but surely, he held up his side of the kiss and lifted her up by the waist, Zangya locking her legs around his waist and her arms loosely around his neck. They slowly parted the sensual kiss. "Come try me..." She whispered in his ear.

Vegeta watched the night sky as he thought about Bulma. Then, something inside him snapped. He didn't know if it was his depression, or his Saiyan instinct, he hopped into the Gravitational Room and locked the door. "Trunks!" He yelled over the intercom. Trunks snapped awake, drool running over his textbooks. "Eww...Oh! Yeah...?" He said grogilly. "Trunks, listen. I'm staying in the Gravity Room to train twenty-four seven. I'll summon you when I need something." He replied with a soft humming in the background. "Uh...OK. Just don't over-exert yourself." He replied to his father. Vegeta cranked up the gravity to 3,000 times normal gravity. Vegeta kept going, eventually getting up to 10,000 times gravity. However he has to go Super Saiyan to keep up with the demand. "Damn humans keeping me soft; I almost forgot about my Saiyan pride! Whoever killed her, I'll make sure he suffers tenfold. No, fifty-fold. I'll snap his bones, one by one, then, I'll rip his eyes out, then I'll rip off his jaw. After that, I'll start ripping off his limbs: starting at the toes then working my way up. Then I'll rip out his heart, then smashing it into his skull!" Vegeta said, with a pure, burning, gnawing, boiling hatred toward whoever murdered Bulma. Unluckily for Trunks, Vegetas part of the com link was on, and he heard every word. He now feared his father. Something he hasn't done since he was little...

[OK guys, five chapters in and Zangya's trying to spark a flame with Gohan (wink wink), Vegeta is back to himself in training, and Goku can finally regain his Super Saiyan form back. Yay! Also, I will make separate chapters for Gohan and Zangya, Bardock and Android 18. Now, upon writing this story, I need Ideas for the story; i.e. Gohan pairs with Zangya, Vegeta reaches Super Saiyan Three, Goku goes on a secret mission, ChiChi has a nervous breakdown, Zangya's crew find out about her and Gohan...Things like that. Please rate, review and share! Ta-ta for now!]

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