Chapter 3

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It becomes part of the dream, surreal repetition of his shoulder touched and a soft voice in the dim light of the lamp, "Are you alright? Tell me your name. Now tell me my name."

"You won't tell me it, you jerk." Blaine mumbles into his pillow, and the Ghost's tired laughter is as pretty as wind chimes.

That's something no-one's ever blogged about. He's just so lovely, line of his jaw in the shadow of the hood, shape of his nose under the mask. Do they call him the Ghost because his skin is so pale it looks almost translucent? Maybe Blaine dreams it, but at some point his alarm beeps again and his hood is back, he lifts his head from sleep in the chair and his opening eyes are dark blue-green in the mask, the framing lashes so perfect, his hair is a lamp-touched brown and his throat flexes white and shadowed. "Are you alright? Tell me your name."

Roughly from his pillow, "You're the one who stole my wallet, don't you know it?"

He grins, an open, tired, warm grin, and drags a hand back over his mask, up into his hair, and his other hand raises to cover a yawn before his head sinks to his chest again.

And then Cooper's singing loudly in the lounge, and it's morning, and there's not even a coffee cup to show for Blaine's guest, not even a mark on his chair. Blaine's guest. Blaine's ghost.


Rachel taps at his bedroom door just as he's knotting his tie, staring at himself almost grey in the mirror and he looks like he's going to throw up or pass out, superheroing is awful for your skin. He looks over his shoulder as she opens the door and says, "I didn't hear you come in last night." Her eyes narrow. "Were you out all night?"

He rolls his eyes back to the mirror. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I stayed up too late worrying about my roommate not answering his phone and then overslept while he snuck back in." she snaps back. "Oh my god you were out all night." He straightens his waistcoat, and yes the clothes are immaculate but hell he looks exhausted. "Was it a guy?"


"I'm your best friend! We're meant to gossip about this kind of stuff!" She throws herself onto the bed, bounces a little with her hands clasped on her lap. "It was a guy, you can't hide it from me, I'm an investigative reporter."

"You're an interfering gossip-hound, which is different."

"What's his name?"

"Rachel, I have to go to work."

"Do you know his name? You don't look good. Are you hungover?"

He rubs an eye. "Not enough sleep. I'm fine."

". . . Kurt, I know that call from Adam might have upset you but -"

"I'm going to work." He snags a jacket from a hook on the back of the door. "Some of us aren't still students and we can't still loll around wasting a morning like this."

"I wrote a whole assignment on that craziness with Puckzilla and the Ghost while I was waiting for you last night, my work is going fine, thank you very much. Do you know how much damage they caused? Supers never even think about the cost to ordinary human beings going about their innocent-"

"Have a nice day, Rachel!" he yells from the front door, and slams it behind himself.


Blaine spends most of the morning sitting in front of his computer, staring dazed at the evidence of yesterday. It happened. He knows it happened. His face hurts like a bitch and Cooper asked him who the hell hit him like that ("Guy on a bike knocked me over," he muttered, cheeks burning), so yes, Blaine knows it happened. But -

All the Other Ghosts (Boyxboy Superhero AU Fanfic (Klaine))Where stories live. Discover now