Chapter 30 (The End)

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now officially the longest ghost drought ever. fml.

That's it, obviously. He quit. He trained Phalanx up to take his place and he quit. I wonder if he'd come back if there was some giant supervillain problem, like if we really needed him?

Fanart, pucklanx, bondage and ballgags, really NSFW . . .

Fandom's totally shrunk too, everyone's jumping ship to another super. Nearly six fucking years you ungrateful dicks. I'm never forgetting what he did for us, not ever. Fuck all of you.

wtf Puckzilla siting?? Helping out with that busted damn that was on the news?? it serously looks like he's *helping* why is he not in jail I do not understand 0_0



"You stay in bed," Mike says, putting the pills on the nightstand in close reach. "You do not, repeat, just in case this is somehow a new concept for you, you do not mess with your cast, and you stay on your ass and off the streets until I say so. Agreed?"

"I have absolutely no intention of going out like this, Mike."

Blaine squeezes his hand. "I'll keep him safe."

Mike picks up his bag and says from the doorway, "I'm back to check on you tomorrow night. If I catch you so much as upright then I'm stapling you to that mattress."

"No-one trusts me to just stay down." Kurt says bitterly.

"No-one trusts me to keep you down," Blaine says morosely.

"No-one trusts you two to do anything sane," Mike snaps, and closes the door behind himself.

Blaine takes Kurt's hand, and runs his thumb over his knuckles. And Kurt looks at his eyes and thinks, I don't know what he's talking about. This is the most rational thing in the world.


omg Blackbindings updated


god now the ghost's not around her writing is the best thing in my life wish that was a joke

DKSFLGAskkjfldsdhjk i can't with my feelings

Blackbindings update I want to have sex with her braaaaiiiiinnnnnn ;_;

bb oh my *god* you just get better and better, I don't know how you *do* this :D :D :D

Me: will I ever read blackbindings and not cry
Magic 8 ball: pfffft


The first time he hears his dad's voice, he cries.

He doesn't mean to and didn't think he would before he calls, he does know that he has to make the 'yes Dad, something happened but I'm home now and safe now and Blaine will look after me' call - but his voice, his voice rushed down the line, "Kurt, you okay? Rachel called me-"

And his throat's so full he chokes and then he's just crying, holding the phone a little away, trying not to let him hear because -

- because he thought he'd never see him again, he thought he would die doing the thing that his dad never wanted him to do in the first place, he'd thought they would do obscene things to him and his dad would have to know, they were going to film it, he would see what was done to Kurt before death was a mercy to him and then they would know who Kurt's dad was anyway to go after him if they wanted -

Because that was actually the worst thing that he's ever lived through, and he has lived through a lot of things he'd have to assess and rank quite carefully under that heading, and his dad's voice . . .

His dad falls silent for a second, then says, "It's okay. It's okay, Kurt, everything's okay, buddy."

His voice sounds far too much like a whimper, as he wipes his cheeks off which is pointless if the tears still won't stop. "I'm sorry -"

"Don't be sorry, everything's okay. I already bought my ticket, I'll get in late tonight -"

"Wh - you don't have to -"

"Tough, 'cause I am."

His dad. Here. Tonight. He can have a hug from his dad tonight -

Superhero, he thinks, and cries like a child, half of it from happiness while his dad talks him down on the phone; Dad, Dad, tonight, Dad . . .

All the Other Ghosts (Boyxboy Superhero AU Fanfic (Klaine))Where stories live. Discover now