Chapter 11

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So, I spent half the night debating whether it was right or not to do this, and I sort of came up with a compromise. Last night while I was totally minding my own business, heading out for butter at one AM don't even ask whole nother story, I took a different route home because there was some big police crazy going on down the street. And I ended up seeing . . . I don't want to post in too much detail because I don't know what trouble it could get those guys into. and I feel pretty bad about the fact that in the aftermath, all *I* did was take a few photographs which I don't feel comfortable posting. It was a really intimate moment and I don't know if it's something that should be all over the internet. So this is just one of them, just because there's a lot of wank and debate and I think this will end some of it. Just, the way they were holding onto each other: yes, everyone, I am certain they're a couple. All the best to them. Sorry for being a creeper. Hope the phanghost joy and support makes up for that a little.

Oh my Jesus God fuck I'm crying wtf

God look at how they're holding on to each other dude you have to tell us what happened are they okay??

I forget sometimes what absolute shit they must deal with on a night, fuck, look at how he's gripping his back, it looks like they've been through *hell*

. . . I know what you mean, I feel kind of uncomfortable looking at that. I know you can't even see his face in it, that's still the most *maskless* I feel like I've ever seen the Ghost.

This is a definite score for 'New York's superheroes are an ass-kicking gay couple and the bigots can go cry about it in the corner', I've never seen anyone hold anyone like that before. Fuck.

god my babies I hope you're okay xxx

I made this noise when I saw this. This sort of inbreath squeal-moan-seagull. I could not replicate it if I tried, it hurt to make.

. . . I kind of know I'm going to fic this and I kind of feel like an evil person for it, that is . . . I just hope they're doing alright.

it happened right out on a street if they wanted it private they shouldnt do it in public

Just like you shouldn't have come on the internet if you didn't want to be mocked for not knowing how to use a shift key, like the demi-literate that you are? I'm not saying that I don't appreciate gifs of them clinging on to each other like they want to be inside each other, I just appreciate Prescriptionbeard's point, if not his irritating hipster username; that is a really, really intimate image, clearly neither of them are aware of it being taken, they're not aware of anything but each other. And just for the record, if anything shitawful ever happens to *you* out on the street, I hope people film it from various angles and put it online for gawpers to disseminate as they please, because let's face it it would be funny as fuck. And because you're not intelligent enough to punctuate and thus presumably not intelligent enough to read this much text, here's the tl;dr: you're an idiot, no-one is obliged to give a shit about your opinion if it's a fucking stupid opinion, try lighting some of your sad little brain cells up and *thinking* before you put crap in the public domain, and have a *lovely* day <3

. . . Paleandghostly's charming way of wording it aside, she's right, they don't *ask* to be followed everywhere they go by us, they're just trying to make the world a better place. Our ogling is not something they invited. Presumably the skintight suits are actually for ease of self-defence rather than the public display of particularly glorious asses. So, yeah, don't act like their personal moments are public property. It's an honor that they protect us the way they do, and all the rest is just, well, I don't know how to justify it. We want them to be happy and we think that they're amazing and we struggle to find ways to express how *much* we feel that. That's all it is, in the end.

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