Chapter 17

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He tries to draw it out. It would be so easy to just plunge and plunge to break but it feels so good, he tries to draw it out. Mouths Kurt's neck, pauses to tongue the taste of his skin from the side of his throat and feel Kurt's body roll underneath his, Kurt's fingers tightening on his ass where he's got Blaine pulled as deep into himself as he can; draws his mouth down his flesh while Kurt whispers little nonsense pleadings of his name at the headboard, and Blaine licks a nipple into his mouth.

"Blaine fuck Blaine -"

Neither of them are much given to swearing unless they really mean it.

Kurt's hands claw up his back, drag of his arms up Blaine's sweat-tacky skin, wrapping clumsily around his head, forearm cool with sweat pressing his cheek, fingers pulling deliciously in his hair. Blaine circles his tongue and sucks hard and Kurt gasps, squeezes his fingers in his hair, curses and gasps and starts laughing, and the jogging of his body is too much, rich and restless, desperate pleasure, Blaine can't bear it, his hips have to move. Kurt hums his approval, stroking at his hair, pulling him closer by the shoulders, "Blaine, Blaine -"

Blaine lets go of his nipple to shush him because Cooper's in the apartment but Kurt is just laughing helplessly, Blaine gets dragged along with it, broken breathless laughter at his chest before he hauls himself up, rocking Kurt backwards, hiking his legs up with him so he can lean down to hiss to his mouth, "Sssh." and Kurt can pull him in closer into a kiss.

Rocking, rocking, rocking. Kurt kisses him again and closes his fingers in his hair, and nuzzles the side of his forehead to Blaine's, Blaine feels his eyelashes brush his cheek to close. "Blaine."

Kurt, Kurt, Kurt.

Afterwards Kurt lays small kisses along his shoulder before Blaine tucks him closer, folded into each other side by side, hearts beating their hard way down. Kurt's feet slip to fit over his ankles. "Blaine."

Gravelly and slow because oh fuck he comes half his IQ out when he's with Kurt, "Nmh?"

Kurt nestles happily closer. "Love you."

Sweet warm happy safe perfect boyfriend in his bed. The smile takes his whole face as he hugs him, as tight as they can get now, skin to skin the length of their bodies. "I love you too."

This will be the first year he'll spend the entirety of with Kurt. This is going to be the best year ever.


Showered and getting ready to head out, Kurt in that clinging suit on the bed pulling his boots on, Blaine dressed but for the mask, sitting at his computer drumming his fingers over replying to a question from another fanghost; You never seem to reblog much of the Phalanx stuff, you used to reblog *anything* with the Ghost in it, do you just not like Phalanx? He makes the Ghost really happy :(

It seems kind of existentially troublesome to say that he doesn't 'like' Phalanx, sitting there wearing his armour. He doesn't really know what to say, because it's true, he doesn't reblog much stuff about Phalanx. Any stuff about him, really, unless the gif is mostly the Ghost. It's just . . . it's just so strange. Sometimes he does see things about himself that make the blush of the joy burn, people - people really love him. Phalanx. They like him. It makes him so happy in his heart, it's this proud-fast flutter, but, but, but it just feels like that step too far into narcissism to actually put it in his own blog. Kurt still doesn't want to know most of what his fans get up to (Blaine sends him the gifs of cats in cloaks because Kurt can say he doesn't think it's funny but he does), and he knows what Kurt means. It's strange. When people start - attributing things to you. Suggesting how and why you might be who you are. It feels -

It feels strangely like something being taken. No, he wants to say, grabbing after what someone's said. No, it's not like that, I'm sorry but it's not -

Kurt's right, though. Blaine of all people really didn't come into this innocent of how the internet would react. He has completely blacklisted anything tagged non-con or dub-con by now; the thought makes him feel sick. The thought of - he just doesn't want to think about it.

On the bed Kurt is snapping his belts into place, adjusting the shoulder one to not cut in, then stretching his arms up and arching his back, clicking his bones into place, eyes screwed up and looking very happy.

Blaine drums the mouse. What can he say? 'It would be an exercise in absolute egotism to reblog that stuff'? 'If my boyfriend found out I was reblogging it he might actually die from laughing'? 'I disapprove of the camera angles, I should always be shot from the right'?

Kurt stands clipping the cloak on, shaking it straight, and picks up his mask and that little pot of glue, leaning into Blaine's mirror to work. He looks up, sudden and startled, when Blaine laughs at the screen, and looks over eyebrows raised. "Do I even want to know?"

"Just - nothing." Blaine says, grinning. "No, you probably don't, it's fine."

Kurt rolls his eyes, and turns back to the mirror to fix his mask.

Blaine responds, I guess I just don't ship them :/

Then he stands up and kisses Kurt - suddenly the Ghost, mask on and cloak falling around himself as he stands - as if to wipe out what he's just typed (it's not true, not at all, they are Blaine's one and only five-ever endgame OTP) and lets the Ghost fix his mask on, lifts the Ghost's hood for him, watches him smile back from the shadow inside. The Ghost takes his hand, and Phalanx watches him, the both of them, fade from sight.

They walk out of the building hand in hand, as invisible as thought, and down into the subway to start the night.

All the Other Ghosts (Boyxboy Superhero AU Fanfic (Klaine))Where stories live. Discover now