Chapter 10

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Halloween is my new favorite holiday SO MUCH GHOSTLANX AJKEFGLHASEURISDJKL

So it took forfuckingever but I managed to get that gif of the Ghost spin-hugging Phalanx almost seamless so you can watch them twirl forever. Wheeeeee~

God it's not just us, is it? They're totally all over each other, oh my god they love each other so muuuhuhuhuhuhuch. And I love them even more oh my god ;_;

We must only get photos and footage of like, 5% of what they actually do on a night. If anything actually happened to either of them we'd probably never even find out about it. We'd just wonder why we never saw them after that, or only saw one of them alone from then on.

The list of things that are not okay is headed by THAT POST

That post is so far past the line it can't even see the line. The line is a *dot* to that post.

After Midnight, R, pre-Ghostlanx, a meditation on fear and promises and the dark.

omg blackbindings updated omg omg omg

That awkward moment when someone's rec list is full of their own stuff ¬_¬;

To my anonymous phantroll: it's really nice that you like Phalanx so much, really it is, but there is no need in hell to insult the Ghost in the process of it, he's been laying his ass on the line ON HIS OWN for five years. So basically you need to take a long hard look at basic manners and your personality and how those two things don't align, and gtfo my blog. Why is it so hard for fandom to remember that loving something doesn't mean you have to hate everything else?

^ This. Always. This.

Why was Phalanx wearing a Ghost cloak when he was fighting those dummies? Is he a fanghost too, did he dress up as his favorite hero for Halloween? ;)

My theory is it was some kind of plan they had. Like the Ghost was taking out the big bad while all the 'henchmen' (henchmanikins? ^_^;) thought they were fighting the Ghost when *actually* it was Phalanx.

Can someone fic this please because I need it. I particularly need to know what happened after that grabby-needy hug. If there could be more needy touching that would be really really nice <3

Dangle the prompt in front of Draxie and see if she bites.

ew ew ew mannequins hate them hate them love the superboyfriends even more now thank you for killing the nasty horrible horrible HORRIBLES thank you boys <3

Echo, Echo, Echo, part I of II, R, Ghostlanx AU: the Ghost is a real ghost, doomed to haunt the city where he died. It's a long dark night alone before a museum puts the remains of a Greek soldier on display - but it's a temporary exhibition, and in the length of the afterlife, they barely have the space of a breath to make it count.

Oh god, Draxie, why, why, why would you do that ;_;

Reposting the Ghost Caramelldansen to try to counter all of the SHATTERING OF FANGHOST HEARTS GOING ON TODAY OMFG

can someone add a phalanx to that already? ^^

God the way he hugs him though it's just like asjgfljkasdKISS ALREADY

ikr like lotr all over again JUST SHAG WTF

Mirrored and looped this gif of the Ghost turning, now you can watch his ass for all of eternity ahhh . . .

Reblog if you've ever been rescued by the Ghost. Let Figgins know what an assbutt he's being. We love you, spooky <3
He wished me a happy Halloween and everything. Doubt he'll remember the chubby guy hilariously failing to run for his life and sweating right through his Ghost costume, but dude, whatever anyone says, you *rock*.

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